>think they are as good as doctors
>too stupid to get into medschool
>messiah complex
why are nurses liked again?
>think they are as good as doctors
>too stupid to get into medschool
>messiah complex
why are nurses liked again?
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Women have mom complexes not messiah complexes.
It's a very difficult job
I hate how they all act smug right now
>S-see!! I told you we are relevant!! We are smart people too I swear. L-look how hard our work is!!
They do their part, they're just a squeaky wheel.
kept touching and judging me they did
Nurses will gossip about your penis to their colleagues
premeds are probably the most arrogant on average, but nurse are super arrogant . All they ever talk about is how hard nursing is, how competitive it is to get in, how great a job they're going to have, what their salary will be when they get out, about their cousin whose an RN and drives a Mercedes. And they act like they're already experts b/c they know things like normal blood pressure is 120/80. Its very, very annoying.
Not really. The only difficult part is having to clean people’s sharts when they can’t do it themselves.
It's a difficult and dirty job that has atrocious work hours and shit pay, yet it's virtually impossible to strike and demand better conditions because people will literally die, also all of us will be dependent on it at some point of our lives, most likely at the end.
doctors have a more confident and silent pride .
only lachie is allowed making these threads have some fucking respect
no nurses dont do that. dont know the term for it in english but the undersköterska does those things
premed here
can confirm i know im better than most people because im a doc soon
The worst thing is that they make fun of your penis.
I hate doctors more
the whole god complex would be valid if they worked with absolute measures but all they do is guess diagnostics, a god complex would apply more to engineers that work with absolute axioms
>can easily kill you and charge for it
CNAs (certified nurses assistant) do it
Yeah, knowing that you're bad enough to never be a medic and live with the fact that you're a piece of shit
I have no reason to hate them. Certainly, the attention they are getting now is annoying. But it is a general bad custom of our society to constantly blabber about heroes. It is sufficient that one does one's job well and respectably, and that one is content in that. This applies to all, from soldiers to lawyers and street sweepers.
Lmao idgaf male nurses are chads and female nurses are literally trash
When you're a spoilt brat mad someone is getting attention and you're not.
Do you have the full pic for mastirbation purposes
Why yes. How did you know?
I would panic.
so we should feel sorry for them because some masks give irritated skin ?
ty, chad
I want to do a nurse, I find women in scrubs hella sexy.
Nurses here are treated like shit. They slave their lives aways for ungrateful diseased subhuman boomers and aids riddled niggers shitting kids every 9 months.
me before getting organs harvested