yank politics edition
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anyone seen monica lads? god she's so fucking fit, wish I could see her xx
schizos who don’t leave the house anyway ranting about personal freedom like you virgins have anywhere to go lol
90% of /brit/ can't solve this
Doing a resonateing and dringken another white russian. I think it's 4 for the day idk
was just commenting on how my state isn't in lockdown
if you think this will go on longer than a month you're delusional. this isn't some FEMA deathcamp operation ffs it's just a shitty delayed reaction to a SARS virus
it is better that 330 million Americans die a painful death than 1 jew lose 1 cent in value of his portfolio
weirdly femcelesque face
very cute
anyone got that picture of the cat haha good one that
When was the last time hard graff was actually rewarded?
why must you cry?
worn the same clothes since lockdown started, underwear included. anyone else?
thanks for the wank material for my pet ant
Stop trying to argue with Brits lad, the home of the sequestered Jew for 1000 years
Oi post a big pic.
nope. nothing
mad how I've never used most of the math(s) I learned in school practically in real life, other than when I worked construction
american graffiti is wank
two dimensional characters, boring american rose tinted nostalgia, usual lucas shite
enjoying the alcoholic arc
really hope that brit that's posting about freedom and individual values is cody on a proxy
very concerned if not
only time I had a white russian I blacked out straight after and nobody who I was out with that night has talked to me since.
used to be alri at maths even got a B at A level can’t even remember basic staff like pythagoras’s theorem these days aha bet some random deano has a better understanding of geometry from his bricklaying apprenticeship aha x
LADS i asked if anyone has seen monica
has anyone seen her today?
have seen the czech mong make 1000 posts today and every single one was awful
Is 2 pm too early to start drinking vodka?
my mom is being weak
what did he fucking mean by this?
Third American Civil War lads
any chicago man in
Ask someone to think of a vegetable and they usually think of a carrot first. It's odd.
What's going on en?
I want to smell Emma Watson’s farts.
he's a sexpat sadcase who isn't getting any shags over there
she's dead, she's looked in my basement ha ha!
Literally never. You don't get success by working hard you get it by working smarter.
drumpf is testing the waters
why's hull so weird and different
American education
The Happening
how so?
would be fucking crazy if a civil war happened over literally nothing.
spurs 250 million pound amazon stadium sponsor
newcastle for sale for 300 million
would love another American Civil War personally. Europe will ascend again
>dealer won't leave his house because he's paranoid about corona
hull is more a european city like amsterdam or prague
not really british
a civil war isn't going to occur probably ever again
not sure about these daily mail tier sensationalist headlines
I don't understand what this means
isn't Daily Mail a respected newspaper in bongland?
would unrionically rise up against the remain constituencies not even fussed about brexit the rest of the country are just cunts simple as
Any other nerds in here who did A level maths?
Fricking MENTAL how I was rattling through calculus and proofs a few years ago and now I can't even remember if (-3)^2 is 9 or -9
Mathematics is amazing. Cringe when normoids disdainfully say they've "never needed algebra", as they clutch their iPhone mobile computers. They've probably never made practical use of the cardiac cycle, doesn't mean it's worthless.
think it would only serve to demonstrate what a mess has been made of America since WW2
Not confirmed yet
>would unrionically rise up against the remain constituencies
Well what’s stopping you lad?
Well, even if it's only a couple of small groups it's still a civil war
we need to liberate Blueburry town lads. they've taken our knoives and we're down to forks with only 2 prongs due to regulations and anti-freedom measures. this is it lads. the beginning of the end.
square root of 2
middlebrow shite written to stir up old people not quite a tabloid but not very well respected
the river Hull is perfectly normal
oh you mean KINGSTON upon Hull
I was awful at maths. Now English? That was a good subject.
she wants a man from kingston upon hull
America should have a president of the south, east and west who all report to the main president
don’t want to do it on my own and i’m not much of a leader aha x
nobody in /brit/ was in this thread
you posted a reaction pic with no context randomly
autistic gimp
white phoneboxes
chip spice