/dixie/ - Southern US + friends

Braves edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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is this flaglet edition


anyone here ever watch Big O

RIP Man Ass and Prince William

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didnt ask

spend your money in Virginia

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yeah. what the hell was the ending?

Reminder to post.

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I don't know who sips who anymore

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wow really thought about this post

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I am indeed having afternoon cofe btw

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Describe your mug in detail please

I need that Julian Castro mug

I'm going to found a Khanate

elk :)

Attached: elk.jpg (318x159, 9.71K)

it's Polish pottery and looks like pic related
I like to LARP whilst I sip

they probably donated all the ones that were left over after his campaign to African orphans or something, like they do with the Super Bowl t-shirts of the team that ends up losing

Attached: 1578588463417.jpg (800x800, 103.73K)

Elegant, home-y, calming. An excellent mug, wonderful choice

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They were showing e-sports on ESPN the other day. I don't think I've ever seen that happen before. It looked like Starcraft or something.

I wonder how many potbellied 60 year old plumbers tuned in trying to get NFL news and were like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?"

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The city was an illusion or simulation the entire time

cute poster

Cats Cats Cats

Attached: CatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCatsCats.jpg (700x422, 117.6K)

I like cats.

learned how to count in hexadecimal today


rude, don't ever talk to me again

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requesting webm with "...flaglette"

ask ohio

this was a funny post

thread blessed

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elk :D