Braves edition
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Other urls found in this thread:
is this flaglet edition
anyone here ever watch Big O
RIP Man Ass and Prince William
didnt ask
spend your money in Virginia
yeah. what the hell was the ending?
Reminder to post.
I don't know who sips who anymore
wow really thought about this post
I am indeed having afternoon cofe btw
Describe your mug in detail please
I need that Julian Castro mug
I'm going to found a Khanate
elk :)
it's Polish pottery and looks like pic related
I like to LARP whilst I sip
they probably donated all the ones that were left over after his campaign to African orphans or something, like they do with the Super Bowl t-shirts of the team that ends up losing
Elegant, home-y, calming. An excellent mug, wonderful choice
They were showing e-sports on ESPN the other day. I don't think I've ever seen that happen before. It looked like Starcraft or something.
I wonder how many potbellied 60 year old plumbers tuned in trying to get NFL news and were like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?"
The city was an illusion or simulation the entire time
cute poster
Cats Cats Cats
I like cats.
learned how to count in hexadecimal today
rude, don't ever talk to me again
requesting webm with "...flaglette"
ask ohio
this was a funny post
thread blessed
elk :D