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/desi/- Ambedkar Edition
David Gomez
Alexander Thomas
>Hindus? Yes I think they are vermin that must be eradicated.
Daniel Nelson
Luke Reyes
Fuck it, any Delhiites (South) here? How the fuck do I get laid? I'm just about to go to College and I didn't get to fuck anyone (got close tho) in 12th.
Aiden Stewart
>only fedoras
Never said that they were only fedoras. It was an example. Pic unrelated.
Liam Carter
you some vasant valley fuck?
Lincoln Scott
Fuck off faggot, Delhi is a Poonjabi infested shithole.
Carter Jones
Step 1 go to Connaught place
Step 2 wear tight nikkers and top
Step 3 enjoy
Ryder Baker
जाग्रत्स्वप्न सुषुत्पिषु स्फुटतरा या संविदुज्जृम्भते
या ब्रह्मादि पिपीलिकान्त तनुषु प्रोता जगत्साक्षिणी, सैवाहं न च दृश्य वस्त्विति दृढ प्रज्ञापि यस्यास्तिचे च्चण्डालोस्तु स तु द्विजोस्तु गुरुरित्येषा मनीषा मम
ब्रह्मैवाहमिदं जगच्च सकलं चिन्मात्रविस्तारितं
सर्वं चैतदविद्यया त्रिगुणयाशेषं मया कल्पितम्
इत्थं यस्य दृढा मतिः सुखतरे नित्ये परे निर्मले
चण्डालोस्तु स तु द्विजोस्तु गुरुरित्येषा मनीषा मम |
शश्वन्नश्वरमेव विश्वमखिलं निश्चित्य वाचागुरोरः
नित्यं ब्रह्म निरन्तरं विमृशता निर्व्याज शान्तात्मना,
भूतं भावि च दुष्कृतं प्रदहता संविन्मये पावके
प्रारब्धाय समर्पितं स्ववपुरित्येषा मनीषा मम |
Nathaniel Cooper
यत्सौख्याम्बुधि लेशलेशत इमे शक्रादयो निर्वृता
यच्चित्ते नितरां प्रशान्तकलने लब्ध्वा मुनिर्निर्वृतः
यस्मिन्नित्य सुखाम्बुधौ गलितधीर्ब्रह्मैव न ब्रह्मविद्
यः कश्चित्स सुरेन्द्रवन्दितपदो नूनं मनीषा मम ॥
Tyler Walker
Buddham saranam gacchami
Colton Howard
Caleb Fisher
Ryder Watson
jesus bro i was just fucking with you. don't actually tell people online.
Liam Reyes
I know you were, thats why I named some random school.
Levi Richardson
Who is this delhi spammer? Delhi is a poonjabi infested shithole you faggot
Oliver Gutierrez
>poonjabi infested shithole
I see them once every week at best.
Anthony Green
अनिरोधमनुत्पादमनुच्छेदमशाश्वतम् ।
अनेकार्थमनानार्थमनागममनिर्गमम् ॥
यः प्रतीत्यसमुत्पादम्प्रपञ्चोपशमं शिवम् ।
देशयामास सम्बुद्धस्तं वन्दे वदतां वरम् ॥
Landon Wood
>davinder singh
i am forgotten....
Austin Allen
imagine the smell
Ethan Sanders
Only ever visited delhi once and I pissed off an army man at Gandhi memorial because I didn't speak Hindi
>wait in line for him to check me up
>father speaks hindi so do I but he has the better grasp of the language
>he lets him go calls me up
>tells me something in hindi
>he speaks too fast I go hmm him him? a few times
>glares at me and asks if I'm from Temil Naadu
>I nod and laugh say haan ji
>angrily waves me to pass
Jaxson Taylor
Delhi's majority population is punjabi, retard. Delhi's culture and accent is all punjabi. Who even are you living in Delhi if you're not punjabi?
Isaiah Perez
There are Punjabi's in Delhi? Probably just East or West maybe. Barely see em here in South Delhi.
Kayden Bennett
Delhi Religion Census 2011
Religion Percentage
Hindu 81.68%
Muslim 12.86%
Christian 0.87%
Sikh 3.40%
Tyler Bailey
Isn't south delhi where the elitist marks live.
Michael Howard
Now I'm wondering if you even live in delhi or not, have you never noticed the way people over there talk?
Alexander James
I have a few Punjabi friends, and a lot of people here listen to punjabi music. But the fuck are you talking about?
Jason Cruz
Just taking my hizbul Mujahiddeen bros to Delhi for the republic day parade
Thomas Roberts
everyone in india would love me because i look ndian but i grew up in a none poor country and am more refined and educated than pajeets.
Christian Sanchez
Poo runes look like an autistic combination of Hebrew and Arabic flipped upside down.
Ryan Johnson
Yes, people with apartment smaller than my one floor with Jaguars and Audis
Isaiah Diaz
Justin Thompson
Wow Kashmiri how many bundles of coke did you sell to buy Audis and Jaguars
Levi Carter
Where do I get some weed after the lockdown ends? (Delhi).
Ryan Edwards
depends which runes you use.
Jaxson Thompson
Ye, all the chads live here. We own the cops, clubs and everything. No one really gives a fuck about nationality, everyone keeps a fake image.
Andrew Scott
Sukhwinder if you were refined and educated you'd best know not to give attention to dogs that enter open houses.
Benjamin Foster
You sound fake like Jasleen Kaur from Made in Heaven when she tries to look rich. You're probably some chump from that Shaheen Bagh place.
Oliver Miller
>being scared of wh*toids
you have much to learn young pajeet
Dominic Campbell
kek keep seething you mongoloid, you sound like you're from south or up
Jonathan Perez
If you're so rich why are you wasting your time posting on this shithole site. Go throw your dad's money on some club or something. Fucking show-off faggot.
Jonathan Morgan
He's not white, Gurpreet. Read the thread from start.