13 degrees outside edition
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wanked with plastic gloves on and now it's a fetish need a wank off a nurse in the icu
>"famous youtuber"
>also admits to being a cuck and letting his woman whore herself out on the internet
James Bond WILL return in: Thunderbollocks
Any MKultra sleeper cell man in? If you triggered my codeword I could slaughter a room full of women and children without remorse. I’m a trained killer.
Can still hear my dog's last breath. I can't get it out my head.
Getting really into fingothing
what directx and do i need it
*Jurassic Park T-Rex theme starts playing*
*the liquid in your cup starts rippling periodically*
Uhhhh, anyone else hear that? It's a hot pocket tremor, that's what it is. I'm fairly alarmed here.
would love to execute them all and proclaim a Totalitarian Republican Dictatorship
i was the 4th knifeman in the JFK assassination
Heh... so that’s your weapon of choice? For me it’s the katana...
Could kill everyone in this thread in under 8 seconds with a 9MM
Timothy Dalton in: James Bond: Licence to Kill (my bollocks)
>all those recent posts
what's going on big guy?
15 posters, 8 seconds? You’re slacking kid, try 6.
me in the far corner
make this season void
fuck Liverpool
GF probably dumped him, haven't seen him post any images of his snacks or her in a while.
Any Charli man in
reckon his wife has had to be near him for more than a few minutes and realised what a boring mong he is
plans for tonight
finish assassin's creed rogue
reading for 3 hours
30 mile cycle ride early in the morning
start watching deadwood, hopefully can get a few episodes in
play journey
maybe watch a film in the evening
start playing the first uncharted game
watch stalker
Did one hundred and ninety get his trip broken or what
literally why don’t you ask 190cm the same when he’s LITERALLY SAYING HES DEPRESSED
not 190cm btw
fellow tramp lover reporting
got banned fir spam
Assassins Creed and Uncharted. Oh dear
post the webm of are Mark pulling faces on the back of the open-top bus
need a porno with this plot
chicken poo, in my stew
chicken poo, in my shoe
chicken poo, in my hair
chicken poo, everywhere!
I just wanna go back
back to 1999
I don't want to feel the wrath of the eternal anglo again
clearing the backlog lad
cringe so much at these NPC's clapping every evening
Who's this then and whats his novelty or gimmick as it were
US intelligence report puts the deaths in wuhan at 40000
Uncharted 1 is fucking gash, wouldn't bother.
Journey on the other hand is incredible, would recommend a bowl or two before loading it up.
some larping tranny
Dont care about any of the assassin's creed games but this is a tune.
*surreptitiously googles 8th queen album*
weekly furlough payment of €400 just hit the bank account. Cant even go out so i'm saving more than I ever did even with around 200 less a week in wages
Wanking material is literally a drug. Wanking is just the route of intake.
You can wank daily to porn, which is like doing crack cocaine every day. Quite catastrophic.
Or you can wank every other day/once a week to softcore images. Which is like having a few beverages now and then. Healthy lifestyle.
Choose your lifestyle.
cannae imagine not waking up early in the morning. if i wake up after 8 i feel like udder shit
>US intelligence report
Might as well trust Goebbels
what about just using your imagination
Secretary Pretty
trump is actually mental
Don't wank to false idols lad. Having a cheeky shag is like having a few chilled bevvies. Wanking is like drinking mouthwash because you're desperate
i think you meant to say based
Famed US intelligence was clueless to what the fuck was going on in its primary nemesis state, China, until it was too late
mentally based
Psychotic > Senile
4 more years
Don’t want Emma Watson to apologize for her car, I just want her to brap in my face.
the fuck i've been abducted by greys
it's a crying shame she isn't sat on my face at present
remember when i accidentally ended up in a white nationalist rally when i was D.C haha
They took a peek at your todger while you were out.
imagine considering yourself an edgy chon using cutting edge radical and believing what the cia says
qt face but she's dumpy as fuck... must be about 5'0" and 11 stone