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Do they actually fucking really do this?

>Americans are actually genuinely going to let this man rule their country for another 4 years

this is way more golden

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>innocent states
Yeah liberate 'em

love this guy

trump supporters finna start a civil war lol

Jesus Christ. Shut up, you boring cunt. The guy’s a fresh source of entertainment and you want bland, flaky cunt to take his place and ruin it.

>30,000 cases
>2,000 deaths
>one of the top affected states


Attached: US_coronavirus_protest.webm (800x450, 3M)

>save your great 2nd amendment, it is under siege
Isn’t this the guy who was saying how the government should seize guns early without due process if the owner is a suspected nut?

Isn’t this the guy who regularly wipes his ass with the constitution?

he is indisputably the world's greatest troll

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Yes, retard. I want the Liberal International Order which has guaranteed peace between great powers for more than 70 years to keep functioning

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Civil war when?

He hasn't yet outdone pic related.

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You fucking bore. Shut the fuck up. What are checks and balances, retard? Choose a boring puppet or pantomime puppet. I choose the latter. Die.

>Liberal International Order
nukes and globalisation are the reason wars are becoming rarer
not trudeau and obama

Can't someone just kill this low-IQ baboon?
Tired of hearing about that literal nigger in the news.

Im voting for him just because of dumb shit like this.

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do they really

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>Starting a civil war through twitter

Worst timeline

People say "4 more years" as if it'll cause people butthurt. I want 4 more years of Trump EXACTLY because of this shit. He'll make an ass of himself, kill Americans, humiliate the country and embarrass his nation in front of China.

Everything this guy does makes me laugh.

>I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful safety

This is why America is #1 in Covid.

>what are checks and balances
Exactly, moron. The USA balances against Russia and China which are strictly opposed to the LIO. If you have a retard like Trump in there who undermines alliances, pursues a policy of retrenchment (retarded defeatism that has never worked ever in history), and undermines faith in US foreign policy for all people in the world, then the LIO is in trouble. 4 years has already done enormous damage to it, another 4 may kill it. Do you really want to go back to living in a multipolar world? Personally I like the unprecedented era of peace and prosperity the LIO, but maybe I wouldn’t if I were a worthless cretin misanthrope like you

Way to assume im voting for butthurt, Zhang. Im voting because the press conferences are literally a free comedy show.

Globalization is the core feature of the LIO you fucking mouthbreather.

I didn't say you said it. I'm saying the popular view here is that people are voting for Trump to "own the libs". I'm adding to your comment. Not rebutting it.

why can't they just drone corona
get are boys in there and kill the sumabitch like we killed SADDAM HUSSEIN AKA BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA the liberal commie bastard. semper fi

orange retard said someone retarded what else is new

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more like the greatest dumbfuck


Yep. The state of US politics now and moving forward is depressing.

kill yourself

>american election is between a senile old man with dementia and a fat retard
do americans really

But peace is not fun

we really do

>Why yes, I'm voting for Trump because the press conferences are literally a free comedy show, what gave it away?

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