


Attached: 1586901647634.jpg (1439x1363, 1.24M)

looks comfy as fuck


This is what almost all new builds are going to be now. Better get used to it.



Antipodean desperate to suck Brit cock or hypocritical retarded pom?

He's been fooled by the ugly obsessed dutchoid that keeps posting impoverished areas of the UK acting as if it's the norm.

>nooo the UK is beautiful it isn't a grim shithole at all
get a grip mate it's an anonymous website we don't have to save face

>He's been fooled by the ugly obsessed dutchoid that keeps posting impoverished areas of the UK acting as if it's the norm.

Attached: 1587069074100.jpg (1080x1220, 620.85K)

What's woith the rich cunt who has a double house in the 4th row?

That circular stone feature at the top of the roof truss is a date plate, so that was probably not originally a house.


in all seriousness though, looking at towns and cities across the UK largely gave me anxiety.

i have not made a single thread today or yesterday in fact u are obsessed with me, following me everywhere i go

How so?

bro stop posting my minecraft house

Simply put, the sameness, the mediocrity, the stark and harsh grey stone and brick stretching to infinity in every direction. The tiny identical duplexes that seem to metastasize in all corners of the nation. People on this board attack American suburbs for being of prefabricated construction, but the average british home seems poured from a single mold, and it's all less than an inch apart.

unironically my first minecraft base was carved into a small terrain glitch that rose out of the water and was perfectly square like that, even carved it into a small skyscraper like that pic, it's unreal.

screenshots or it didnt happen

They're traditionally working class neighbourhoods, I mean poorfags live in shitty conditions in most of the world

I've recently found my world1 save in an old drive, took some screenshots after converting it several times so the world would work with the latest version. note that the biome has made the water frozen

Attached: 2019-08-21_14.38.00.png (1920x1057, 1.13M)

But they do have trees and greenery in other countries


Why would you want trees for, are you some kind of nature loving hippy

Don't call it a grave, call it the future you chose.

>Why would you want trees for, are you some kind of nature loving hippy

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You should of run it in its original version, also screenshot at night?
Otherwise very nice

>1984 concept art
nice try

Attached: 2019-08-21_14.43.22.png (1920x1057, 2.57M)

>a bloo bloo I suffer in the first world

Attached: clip (2019-02-24 at 06.35.41).jpg (387x461, 39.6K)