what do australians learn on their history books? British History? World History? Nothing?
What do australians learn on their history books? British History? World History? Nothing?
The ancient abos:)
what about mexicans?
we learn how the country was a dumpster fire untill the glorious revolution where the PRI made heaven on earth
In primary school history topics revolved mostly around Australia. I remember being taught about the gold rush, Australian highwaymen, the Eureka rebellion, Ned Kelly, the stolen generations, Gallipoli & Kokoda campaigns, as well as a few Aboriginal dreamtime stories here and there.
I only did history for my first year of high school. It involved New World exploration for the most part. We had to present for our main assignment, and some girl talked about how Incan mothers used to suck their childrens' penises to clean them. My presentation was on the first European expedition to India and how they all mostly got fucked over because of scurvy. That's about all I can remember. Thank you for reading
Fucking jelly of these Incas
Just a regular question for all the New Worlders of this thread. Do you guys study something related with the natives before European colonization in History classes?
Most of the shit I learned about the History of Brazil at school was related either with Europe (mostly Portugal) and then their colonization here and subsequent facts, but I don't think I studied much of what natives were doing here before that.
Bleached Abos look like gypsies.
No, if you want to learn about the tribes that lived in America then you have to do some independent research. All we learn about is how we put the Cherokee through the trail of tears. Maybe something about the Iroquois too
>glorious revolution
kys gringo lapdog
Same desu
With regards to American natives, there was a lot that was discussed which I never really found interesting. I've mentioned the penis fact above, and I can probably tell you about how violet the Aztecs were, how they would set some random guy alight every 50 years or so and send him door-to-door, but I think everyone already knows about that
yes, we don't really learn much about europe
>Ned Kelly
why does a single autist makes it into your textbooks?
Basically it was
>europeans bad
>indians good
I'm 93 gen and in escuela primaria we had whole semesters dedicated to amerindian tribes and shit. I'm sure as fuck modern textbooks are bigger on the amerindian material and now have sjw victimist indoctrination included. I can gamble my lest testicle for it.
We learned a lot about french and English colonization and how they fought over the land. We learned a lot about the war of 1812 and we learned a lot about the formation of the country
t. 90% of history lessons about muh holocaust
Is that a Mexican or a mixed abo?
Even some full Gypsies look like abos.
no surprise since both are basically Indians
i did modern history in high school
interwar germany (not ww2) 1918–1939
meiji japan
russia 1914–1945 (my fav one)
middle east (mostly israel and surrounding actors) 1945–present
it was my fav subject in hs fs
I thought Incas were more brown than violet desu
why do you think most colonials hate us? spain bad, natives good, spain evil and give back gold.
aboriginals aren't indian and they don't look like gypsies
pertenecen al grupo etnico dravidiano, del sur de la india. No son como los indios americanos, son mas bien hindues
can these 1/4th aboriginals pass as Gypsies?
>más bien hindúes
Los hindúes son indio-arios, los indígenas de Australia además no tienen nada que ver con los dravidianos, tienen su propia clasificación