Landsbergis Edish
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Top 10 questions science still cannot answer
is anal hymen a myth?
It will be giga chad with YY DNA
1st for /brit/ more like /shit/
>shit out logs larger than 99.999% of penises daily
How would taking a dick smaller than a regular shit up your ass break any "hymen"?
turds are like memory foam pillows
balt is not from this world, we're aliens
2nd for /cum/ more like /coom/
Yes, Baltic is old Finnic blood
Trēd tēme
would you rather be a Yas Forums janitor or a real janitor
Kai eini i sporto sale, kaip lietuviskai paprasyti zmogaus, kad paspotintu?
it's friday anons
you ARE going out instead of staying at home like some sort of an incel right?
Pasaugok vietą?
>after a week in the forest come back to barracks
>havent taken a shit since leaving
>only been eating estonian MREs and snickers bars hidden inside magazine pouches for a week straight
>go to the bathroom
>take 30-45 minutes to shit out the most massive petrified shit ive ever seen, resembling a fossil of a prehistoric animal
>feel as if i had birthed 10 kids through my asshole
>Hello? Yes, Yes I would like to talk to department of basedness in Latvia immediately
your cunt
do females coom in your cunt
the one where i get paid
half of them are just guys who ticked the female box
I feel old
Do you even genetics?
Kā viens sporta zāle,kā lietuviski paprasīt cilvēkus, kad sportošu?
How did you name your kids?
Metsas on hea kakada, miks sees hoidsid
>Brasil girls have huge cocks.
>Sweden men count as girls
Oh shit, iv drank 7dl vodka and 4 beers.
Now im trying focus and act norm
al as possible so i can get few more beers.
Wish me luck
LuKo, pole sittumiseks aega ega võimalust, Metsas on muidugi retsilt ürgne tunne sittuda, kohe krdi 10x parem kui peldikusse lasta
why use such measurements?
Bit ironic that the russian dog breed has a long nose.
>UMM Hello,Lietuva based department, remember that time we joined hands and btfod USSR?
he's probably right though, a large subset of the Female are probably horny men who ticked the female option
thank you for this beautiful song, what are they singing about?
To keep knowing how much iv drank..
Shouldnt suprise anyone with a brain capability over 9yo.
>zalgirio klinika for all my teeth related issues
>what do i give my brother (finland) for birthday
>vodka x10
I've always gone to the university of tartu dental clinic myself and always let med students do the work for a 15% discount.
Latvians are becoming Lithuanians:
It's a meme song, this was during the Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign, the song basically goes
>"my brother is a reindeer herder in the far north"
>"What will i bring him for his birthday?"
>"Of course bring bring bring, of course bring bring bring"
The meme is that "bring" is "viin" which also literally means "vodka". So the double meaning is
>"what will i bring for his birthday?"
>"Of course vodka, vodka, vodka, of course vodka, vodka, vodka"
They literally made a song about vodka that said vodka like 100 times in an era when promoting anything alcohol related was illegal but bommunists cant into estonian