What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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>What went wrong?
number's too low.
>death rate per cases
fuck that shit, use deaths per capita
death rate per cases is the only actual metric
Even then it's a shit measure. Too large of a difference in methodology not to mention it doesn't consider differences in age, general public health or other risk factors
Deaths per cases is the best metric. Sweden being so high means they're missing lots of mild cases and take people in charge too late when they're symptomatic and suffer complications.
they are not treating (with intensive care bed) people over 60 with at 2 previus conditions...
fuck yall bitch niggas
>Corona denmark 7000 cases 336 deaths
>Corona norway almost 6900 cases 158 deaths
>Corona sweden 13k cases 1400 deaths
>corona finland 3400 cases 72 deaths
>population finland 5,5mil
>norway 5,3 mil
>denmark 5,8 mil
>sweden 10 mil
and yall dumb fucks choose the metric that makes Finland look worse than Norway when we have twice less cases and deaths ? Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you?
this disease is highly asymptomatic, so I think using the morality or the lethality at this point are equally misleading, we should wait more time to get a proper data
Not true. That's a hypothetical for a crisis situation. There's still plenty of ICU beds available
to add more info, for example we have 1,600 policemen with cornavoirus while only 15 have died so far
Finns have the biggest fucking inferiority complex when they feel the need to compare themselves in every situation. You're not gonna get a fair assessment of how countries are acting at this point.
Take a fucking look at how u acting. U Not acting at all bitch. We put a lockdown on the country, then on the capital, we got the army on this shit. And we got 2 times less cases and deaths than any of you niggas! How u gonna act like we aint got the best government and the best response to corona?
commas as decimal points
What's your long term plan then? I'd describe your plan as short-sighted and political virtue-signalling
Welcome to yurope
swedish people are stupid, brainless, childlike, clueless, slow, moronic, crude, naive, unschooled, ignorant, idiotic, dumb, dull, imbecile, shallow, backward, brainless, foolish, feeble, senseless, thick, unresponsive, limited, halfbaked, shortsighted, imbecilic, weak, cockamamy, unwise, lunatic, nebbish, debilitated, hebetudinous, boorish, imprudent, uncivil, boneheaded, blockheaded, emptyheaded, lamebrained, incomprehensible, inept, soporific, wearisome, depressing, pedestrian, dusty, tiresome, commonplace, awkward, undiplomatic, subnormal, undeveloped, underdeveloped, delayed, feebleminded, behind, abortive, pointless, profitless, valueless, unworkable, ineffectual, meaningless, good-for-nothing, hopeless, dysfunctional, expendable, deadpan, unexpressive, blank, abstracted, birdbrained, superficial, emptied, characterless, wearisome, lifeless, moth-eaten, monotonous, humdrum, jerky, defective, pinhead, held back, retardo, opaque, numbskull, dumbo, stalled, prolonged, pigeonholed, jammed, dilatory, simpleton, twit, dumbass, noodle, nincompoop, oaf, shithead, butterfingers, meathead, lunkhead, dummy, dork, yo-yo, dumdum, dullard, knucklehead, pea brain, dingbat, faggot ""people""
The fuck u talking about man ? Our plan is a long term plan. Our goal is to make sure that only a small portion of the population is sick at the same time so that our society doesn't collapse and so we dont overwhelm our hospitals
>speaking like a monkey
The lowest dregs of American “society”. Oh how far we fall
shut up retard
Everybody is dying now. After a couple of months from now almost no one will be dying in Sweden of it anymore while in the rest of Europe numbers will still be growing.
school dis crackas homie
>you have to lockdown an entire country preventing boomers in nursing home from dying
Sweden is the only country handling this pragmatic and not muh feels. No reason to flush down the economy over this. Theres no need for restrictions of this calibre in a sparsly populated autistic country
Daily reminder that bad english is the true lingua franca of our times.
t. eri
It's a ploy by the Swedish to kill all the old people in order to lessen the elderly's impact on their welfare state.
man i can talk how i want it aint nothin to do with u
you want me to shut up? make me bitch
these boys think they know what they talkin bout but i showed em we got twice less cases and deaths and them fuckas still sayin that deaths per cases is better than deaths per capita
Reality doesn't care about fake infographics.
Economy is in the shitter no matter what you do. Do you also have to kill not-insignificant number of people?
Nigga in sweden the hospitals arent even overwhelmed and they have less beds than. At this rate of infection we're inlockdown until 2023. You need niggas to get pozzed
fuck that noise, if we give corona a chance it will overwhelm us and we gon be like italy, aint nobody want that
Damn Pekka, you really finna talking in ebonics ain't ya?
But we dont need as harsh med tier lockdowns to keep the infection rate low. Sweden has a lower rate than meds, swiss, dutch, ireland despite those countries have been in alockdown for over a month
Countries and cultures are different no need for same restriction for each cunt
who cares, somalis and other immigrant groups are over-represented in the amount of cases and deaths anyway
keep that racist bullshit to Yas Forums
rule 3.b
No racist bullshit
There are varying degrees of being in the shitter though. It's only gonna get worse the longer lockdowns continue
Why isnt sweden like italy yet? Cuz its a totally differrent cunt withh autistic culture. Most people livin alone and most of all old people are not under the same roof
Youre dumb as fuck if you think this spreads the same in each cunt. You ignore culture and population density. Btw why should region like pohjois-karjala have same lockdowns as uusimaa? Its stupid to treat every region and cunt the same because the situation is different
Why do you write like a nigger
Deaths per 1 million pop
>Sweden 139
>Denmark 58
>Norway 30
>Finland 15
Sauce: worldometers.info
>burger trying to use metrics: Let's use a dot instead, I'm too tired for the whole comma
Norway is also thiniking were the restrictions too much
>Why isnt sweden like italy yet? Cuz its a totally differrent cunt withh autistic culture. Most people livin alone and most of all old people are not under the same roof
bro look at China, Japan, South Korea thats how you do it, thats how you handle this virus it aint about culture its about locking down everything so the virus doesnt spread. The more it spread the more its gonna spread
>Btw why should region like pohjois-karjala have same lockdowns as uusimaa?
boy you is one stupid mothafucka. They should have the same lockdowns so they don't end up like Uusimaa. Damn I really had to explain that to you ? Also we locked up Uusimaa so we do have different restrictions for different regions man.
Whom the fuck is you and why is you all up in my business?
finally a real one brought in the real statistics
And Norway gon feel the pain too if they lift those restrictions, but thats got nothin to do with us