I’m studying Biochemistry and considering applying to grad schools in US.
Hope this virus soon ends.
I’m studying Biochemistry and considering applying to grad schools in US.
Hope this virus soon ends.
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im not studying anything
i envision no future since my mom is raping me
hope the virus kills us all
What university in Japan do you study at? Are there many international students there?
I am studying mathematics. I plan to go to graduate school for a PhD and to continue doing research mathematics.
im studying maps
hopefully ill be able to map some shit and be free
Industrial engineering and management. Working in industry seems more fun but management consulting is better pay and a good springboard into high-paying industry jobs. Idk at this point
I'm studying maths too, but I don't want a PhD I want to enter the workforce
Chemical Engineering
isn't it hard to get a job like that in Germany?
I graduated with a BSci in computer science a couple years ago and I've been working since. My graduate program ends in September but I've been thinking that I might go back to uni for a masters.
I studied biochemistry, too!
>architecture student
I really don't care much, my life is pretty already and settled, my gud fren
I got many plans on my future but now at the top of mind i can just think of joining in marine as an architect or in the police investigation department. Maybe move to Sweden with the cool part of my family for a bit until I figure where to get a post graduation
I'm pretty sure will be a good future, if anything goes south I still have my sister who is an architect as well so i might just stick up with her until i sorta figure things out.
what makes you think that?
I'm 33 and didn't go to school.
I'm very worried about my future.
What do you do for a living?
Are you some construction worker lad or just NEETo?
I've always dreammed about working at construction sites in Canada or USA seems pretty chill.
Corporate law masters
It used to be a high demand field but with the economic predictions i don't know, i guess i can always try to focus on insolvencies
damn he did it
but I'll take some time off to work before grad school
Idk, buildings gotta be built and old ones be renovated all the time
Wish I could have a positive outlook on life like you
>construction worker
Something like that, I work in a warehouse that supplies the construction industry, mostly driving forklifts and shit. Laid off now and getting coronabux, drinking every day and reassessing life. My job is alright but I don't make enough money. I could easily be replaced by some Brazilian who is willing to work for the minimum, or eventually by machines.
I looked at some German job seeking website (more so out of curiosity than seriously looking to get a job there) and there were zero job offers in that field there
It made zero sense to me, so I ask you if there's something to it
I have already a job lined up from my time as an intern, most companies probably don't care about these sites
makes sense
I'm studing mechanical engineering but I'd rather go to work without finishing my master degree
work as what?
It's boring, everything is theoretical and nothing practical. Courses are always harder than what are supposed to be and they last 2h per lesson, I can't keep up with all of them. Right now I have to follow 4 courses (40ECTS in total). Books are almost useless since they ask about what they say during lessons
I just want to work and have money
Might it not be worth the 1 year struggle for the long term benefits?
Hey i'm studying mech.e too, what you specialising in?
im taking mechatronics for my masters
Computer Science.
Hopefully a digital nomad, living the life. Having sex and being healthy. Otherwise, living a normal 9-5, good pay job. With an empty life, as death ever so closer nears me, finally clutching my heart and stopping this painful reality.