
My brothers :)

Attached: 1200px-Frisian_flag.svg.png (1200x831, 60.81K)

what a lovely flag.

Does this look familiar to you?

Us Heit yn 'e himel,
lit jo namme hillige wurde,
lit jo keninkryk komme,
lit jo wil dien wurde
op ierde likegoed as yn 'e himel.
Jou ús hjoed ús deistich brea
en ferjou ús ús skulden
sa't wy ús skuldners ek ferjûn hawwe;
en lit ús net yn fersiking komme,
mar ferlos ús fan 'e kweade;
want jowes is it keninkryk
en de krêft
en de hearlikheid
oant yn ivichheid. Amen.

"Anglo-Frisian" is a bit of a meme

What a faggy flag.

Frisians are ANTI-FRIES

Attached: anti-fries.jpg (596x250, 41.24K)

Yes, i can read that all.

Fuck off Leeuwarden, bunch of tokkies.

No you can't. I actually find it to be closer to Swedish than English in many ways

I can't understand this

fuck off

no you can't retard
stop deluding yourself into thinking you can

I can read the entire thing, easy/

what does it say?

Frisian: himel
Swedish: himmel
English: heaven

Frisian: keninryk
Swedish: konungarike
English: kingdom

Frisian: Skulden
Swedish: Skulder
English: Debts

Frisian: Kreft
Swedish: Kraft
English: Power

Frisian: Hearlikheid
Swedish: Härlighet
English: Glory


Frisian is technically the closest language to english but it is still closer to German and probably swedish, English is an odd one

I said i could read it. Not understand it.

Attached: smiley-face-thumbs-up-thank-you-clipart-panda-free-clipart-images-4eZHzt-clipart.jpg (600x673, 60.01K)

Frisians are good people

In Scots:

Our Faither in heiven,
be hallowt thy name ;
thy Kíngdom come;
thy will be dune
on the yird, as in heiven.
Gíe us our breid for this incomin day;
forgíe us the wrangs we hae wrocht,
as we hae foríen the wrangs we hae dree’d;
an sey-us-na sairlie, but sauf us
frae the Ill Ane:
for the Kíngdom, the pouer an the glorie ar thine
for ivver an aye. Amen.

Cool people, gay flag

To be fair though, three of the differences that I listed are the result of you guys having a shitton of French loanwords. We have an equivalent of kingdom too.

The only one that leaves me somewhat confused is "heaven" that's actually a Germanic word that has only survived in English. It originally comes from the same word as himmel and himel though.

we're genetically closer to you though

Attached: region celtogermanic.jpg (1189x574, 97.25K)

which verse of Auld Lang Syne is this?

whats gay about it?

Hey at least this one is pretty based, it's the same word as Frisian "ierde" and Swedish "jord".

They assume the meerbladen are hearts I guess

Leeuwarden is the capital of Friesland, and they hate Frisians because retarded Heerenveen ruined being Frisian for everybody.

I want to learn Plattdutsch so badly

fuck Friesland
signed by Groningen gang

>Groningen gang
Basically Germans.

>I want to learn Plattdutsch so badly
Ask this guy Maybe his grandparents can speak it.

What am i look at here?

Give back west friesland

Which kind? You could try veluws dialect but even that differs from village to village.

what's holding you back

genetic distance between population samples

I don't speak German and im busy atm. When I finish my degree work I will start on German. At school I foolishly picked Latin over German and it fucked me because I never really liked Latin, I did it for pseud reasons. I heard you need to speak German or Dutch to try and learn Low Saxon

I know it varies from town to town so i'm not even sure. I just want to pass as a local in that area.