What an ugly garbage tower. Wtf were they thinking?

What an ugly garbage tower. Wtf were they thinking?

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I had a school teacher who once ranted about how building a new tower was just asking for another attack to happen.

tall glass box good

what towers do you find attractive?

I absolutely hate how they didn't make TWIN towers. It doesn't matter if they're made of mud for all I care; Just give me the fucking TWIN towers back.

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all i know is that the ba test kitchen is there

I think they were trying to save money

I'm not a fan but the site isn't that bad. Also apparently the elevator ride to the top is cool.

t.work in FiDi

At this point you'd think muslims would be more interested in blowing up one of the gulf or saudi towers. It's like a royal funded western boner in their holy land.

tried to copy china but failed miserably

Attached: shanghai.jpg (640x799, 165.65K)

Shanghai Tower is a literal dragon dildo

I like it though :(

It looks like shit.

The top third of that tower is literally empty.

Attached: Shanghai1.jpg (328x432, 51.31K)

9/11 was an inside job

True, they should come to Warsaw first to learn how to build skyscrapers.

>tfw Canada doesn't have a single beautiful building built after 1970

Supertalls don't make any sense, they're just phallic symbols. Skyscrapers and high-rises are guaranteed to have more success when it comes to occupancy.

This so hard.

I saw this and touched it in person. AMA.

Still much better than pencil towers

they should have rebuilt them, I agree.

My favorite photoshop design was a series of towers arranged so they make a middle finger

did it make your pp hard?

First intelligent Finn post I've seen this week

>they should have rebuilt them
Dear God no, they looked horrendous

>intelligent Finn

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It made the surface of the part of my finger than touched the tower hard because the molecules in that part of my finger were being compressed together.

I believe they were awe-inspiring

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>Not even of the same height

They both had the same height (assuming you don't count the Noth Tower's antenna)

Attached: Twins8.png (699x466, 615.22K)

The twin towers' and the new tower's terrace are exactly the same height.

The North Tower was 2m taller

politics and pseudery

Hey, you're right
1.9 of difference
Still negligible to me

It's obviously inferior to the twins but it's not BAD