Honestly, which is fault for Hitler?

honestly, which is fault for Hitler?

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they are both germans so it doesnt really matter

Why do Germans always gets fooled by Austrians?

Serbia's. Weren't it for them in 1914, hitler would continue his painter career

both, austria is the brain and germany is the body. germans are not intelligent, they are robotic and can only listen to a chef. even their scientifists are all jews.

Austrians are very crafty and Germans very gullible

Austrian warchief German orcs

But you'll get Heemed or assasinated if you insult an Austrian, while Germans tolerate insults and dishonor.

This more or less sums of the entire history of the HRE

It's America's fault for not having the will to completely dismember and dismantle Germany.


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>It's America's fault for not having the will to completely dismember and dismantle Germany.
America could not risk a war with 76 million Germans, German surrender was for peace the Germans still were not fully conquered in 1945 just a desire to end the war in whatever peace terms are reasonable and not genocidal.

I was referring to the end of the Great War. Idiot.

Russia and France for starting WW1

If Germans continued the war post 1945 they had all the guns and ammunition needed to carry out guerilla warfare and snipe all they can, they just wouldn't have aerial superiority or tank superiority for conventional warfare but they had plenty of artillery.

it was polands fault


Excuse me?

Underground bases like the vietkong would be formed with 76 million Germans with much more weapons than the vietkong.

This is the dumbest thing I've read this week.

>they had all the guns and ammunition
They didn't have the will

>Holocaust wrong

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No wait, this is even dumber.

found that the German military casualties were 5.3 million, including 900,000 men conscripted from outside of Germany's 1937 borders, in Austria and in east-central Europe, higher than those originally reported by the German high command.[1][2][3] The German government reported that its records list 4.3 million dead and missing military personnel.[4][5]

Civilian deaths during the war include air raid deaths, estimates of German civilians killed only by Allied strategic bombing have ranged from around 350,000[6][7] to 500,000.

Reminder that Germany had a formal surrender from its elites and was not fully conquered/occupied, in 1945 Germans had plenty of weapons to continue the guerilla war indefinitely until the other powers fall to internal dissent at being sent to die in Germany.

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Yet they never did because Germans are cattle subservient to the nearest person in charge. You retards keep referring to the second world war when I was clearly referencing the first. If Germany had been quartered there would have been no second war.

Austria is the true evil

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The Germans did not want to continue the hard struggle till tod and so surrendered and betrayed their warchief.

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Or maybe Germans are just dumb?

Or maybe you're just fat?

The Soviet Union had 137.million population after ww2, 11.3 million soldiers in Germany through continuous guerilla warfare these 11.3 million could be crushed, all of the roads destroyed all bridges destroyed and then attack all of their support and supplies and watch them fall to attrition disorganization and need to defend their supply lines as well as ability to defend their hold over land and previous underground ratholes while laying traps and doing hit and run attacks in the night.

With 11.3 million men killed Soviet Union would have 120 million people left largely elderly and women.

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I can lose weight while you'll always be a dimbulb.

>which is fault for Hitler?
fault, what fault?

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Germany, just as soros is US fault. It doesn't matter were one was born, it's a random thing, what matters is were he got power.

162,039,470 people
The preliminary result of the census, reported to Stalin in the middle of March 1937, was 162,039,470 people, that leaves 40 million non elderly, child, or woman.

27 million+ Soviet prime age men perished in 1945.

That leaves 13 million in order to place Soviet rule in USSR as well try to fight Germany, if the Soviet army of 11.3 million men were killed in 1945 Soviet Union would have nothing left to send.

Hitler was German

can this meme stop?