Why is finland and sweden so perfect together?
Why is finland and sweden so perfect together?
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Also how do I find a Finnish grill that looks like that?
Lesbianism isn't a genuine identity. It doesn't rise to the level of a heterosexual relationship.
who are these
yummy lesbian sex
This should be 2 boys
Nice, based
Based supreme
Haha homosex gay gay post
Finnish and swedish pussies are made for each other
Swedish female and Finnish man maybe.
Histrorically examples are Rurik using swede as a womb and then jumping back to home.
get a load of this dude ^
And so, the Finnish giga autist had entered the thread.
why is the swede so swarthy
What you mean?
finnish singer on eurovision in 2013 who kissed a dancer
i thought she looked like krista siegfrids. i hate her
she is a fennoswede
Based thread
The dancer is hot
Stop jerking each other fags
Left is Krista Siegfrids and right one is a Finnish dancer.
How the fuck do you know this stuff, frenchie?
wtf this dude is almost as dark as I am
Can someone get the name of the Finnish dancer? She is super hot. Wait no forget about it, I'm being a coomer again...
Just because all your neighbours hate you doesn't mean we all have to that sad.
i was a eurovision fan until 2016, also she has a german surname
girl on the right mogs the one on the left
It's obviously some kind of cream or sun burn, idk which.
average finn desu
hate? no we are all bros on /ex-yu/
krista husband is janne grönroos, is he a finns or a swede?
Oh sorry, mistook your flag for a Dutch one.
Do you have a video of it? Pls post sauce
from finland
Finland, you fucking retard.
>janne grönroos
Swedish. His surname means "Green Rose" and is spelled in an old fancy way.
Who more gayest, Sweden or Finland?
Finnish girls are much gayer by a long shot
Doesn't look the same girl