Europeans, what kind of propaganda do you have to endure on a daily basis these days? Is it advanced and subtle or just blatant and in your face?
Europeans, what kind of propaganda do you have to endure on a daily basis these days...
>image in French and Charles de Gaulle stamp
>pro-Nazi propaganda
Germany, in charge of the Fourth Reich, threatening other EU nations to let in more refugees
perfidious anglos constantly poisoning our ears with their jewish propaganda
that's not Charles de gaulle.
Ye I have to endure a lot of russian anti-EU propaganda on some shitty websites with the aim to make the EU divided and weaker against foreign threats
russia bad they kill gay ppl
trump bad he racis
brexit bad they starve now
the usual lefty seething
>De Gaulle
>implying its propaganda not the truth
The nazi governor gave an EU-sounding declaration when they were fleeing West, no joke. Krauts never stopped sounding like that.
>the American jewbox
are you sure the one on the right is pro-nazi? it seems like they just used that flag because that was the flag at the time...
Yeah Nazi Germany would be contented to be one of the chick not the hen lmao
>are you sure the one on the right is pro-nazi?
That's a very strong word.
EU has a very effective propaganda because it's not this unsubtle mind-control kind of deal.
It's a very bold, constant reminder of who paid for the shit you see and use every day.
Every public object, building or even vehicle (like a bus) that was builght, renovated, purchased has one of these.
Total cost of investment is the uppe rnumber.
Number below is the amount paid by the EU.
why did you cut out a part of the image that's still completely true, at least the nazi flag is different
>De Gaulle
There's nothing wrong with that. If it was indeed paid by the EU then it's ok for the EU to remind you of it, especially in such harmless ways.
australian anti-vaxxer rightwing looney bin propaganda
sorry not sorry
Never seen any of this shit in UK
That’s Vichy France propaganda
>paid by the EU
No such thing. It's just the money EU redirected from various states.
neoliberal propaganda
You were a net contributor
In finnish Yas Forums they say everyone who is against EU is a russian spy.
Nice Russian /American /Chinese propaganda kangaroo fucker shill
It's true tho
It's not.
I dont get it
Russia Today, Al Jazeera, right-fringe blogs YouTube Pied Pipers are constantly bombarding our boomers with propaganda. It's not really rare to meet boomers that go on full-blown brain-washed conspiracy rant in front of you.
Nothing has changed it seems
Nice opinion but wrong.
That's simply the truth
that's petain nigger, haven't you ever played HOIV?
Nope, you are wrong