Post your city flag

Post your city flag

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Find it weird that foreigners have flags for their cities, you barely even see county flags flown here

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They're eels formed as an S, the first letter of the city.

Attached: stadshusflagga.jpg (800x967, 94.81K)

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it really has no bussiness being this cool

Attached: bandera CABA.gif (338x217, 11.69K)

Attached: hr-ri-ri16.gif (432x216, 10.75K)

nice colors in the stripes. the crest could use some muted colors like those

Attached: fuk.jpg (580x328, 54.63K)

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Attached: 1000px-Flag_of_Oslo.svg.png (1000x600, 162.13K)

Was only recently properly approved and officially accepted.

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Most europeans countries don't have flags but coats of arms linked with a modern logo. In france each region, département and city have one.


Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Lower_Saxony.svg.png (1200x800, 62.32K)

Attached: 5e99b9a19e1ce.png (913x1000, 1008.1K)

>the white background represents our white skin
>the eagle represents our german ancestry
>the red means the blood of the lesser races in which we bathe every day
>the chicks represent our mongrelized half brothers in south america which feed off our greatness

Attached: Ploiesti_Flag.png (539x539, 43.9K)

Well, it's a horse, one of the most common symbols in heraldry.
Pretty sure there's also a dutch city/municipality/province/whatever with a very similar design.

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the 'castle' thing on the vlag is t'steen (the stone) which is the only par of the medieval fortifications that is still intact (got broken down in the late 19th century)

the cut of hands symbolise the hand of a tyranical giant Antigoon who got slain by a roman soldier brabo who threw his hand into the sea, from which the city got its name. thee cut of hands also have nothing to do with the practice of cutting of hands in the congo, just to clear that out.

I live in a village,so this is the flag of the nearest city:

Attached: download.jpg (181x279, 10.4K)

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Attached: 375px-Flag_of_Murmansk_Oblast.svg.png (375x250, 16.3K)

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and this is the coat of arms

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Attached: Coat_of_arms_of_Bihać.png (179x216, 6.74K)

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joe de mannen

>DDR flag
I'll bite. Please consider suicide.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Almaty.svg.png (1280x642, 133.33K)

central asians have all the best flags its not even fair

Attached: Braves-Football-Sorocaba-2018-Campeao-Brasileiro-Flag-Sixteen-1.jpg (620x324, 109.32K)

Attached: lu.png (360x216, 2.92K)