I am going to be in the last generations that speaks the language

This is scary.
All of you will have people after conituneing to speak your languages but after me it will be gone.
A bit scary.

Attached: 5710405.jpg (200x263, 10.1K)

What language?


literally just have sex


Our own language.
That won't fix it since the majority that speak are 60+.

You Cornish/Scottish Gaelic?

just teach your kids the language wheres the problem? mongolians and kazakhs are literally creating a new writing system that they intend to implement in their countries, why cant you? you arent living in a dictatorship like USSR who try to eradicate your culture


We are living in a country that is trying to eradicate us. Around 130 or so years ago just about 80% spoke it. Now 1% speaks it.
We don't even have a bible in it.

It's a dialect tho

A bheil Gàidhlig agad? De a tha thu ag iarraidh ag radh le seo, a’ charaid

The SNP pretend you don't exist.

Of what?
Wrang ane.
I winnae wyte yhe sith nae gait ye cid wist it.

Everyone knows that.
They give 50 million a year to Gaelic and I think 200 thousand to Scots.
They were even going to force shetland to use council funding for Gaelic at one point.

Wro one, I would not write you sith no gait, had you known it
Well I didn’t mean to confuse you or try to one up you, I just think about Gaelic a lot. It is clear to see that the concern you have for your own Scots people and tongue is heartfelt - for a second I thought we shared that, but for Gaelic Kek
Does your family speak much? Is this a rising sentiment in you building up since some time or was it a sudden wave of concern?

>Gaelic Kek
always talking about memes and shit god just shut the fuck up

no one in my family speaks it.
though I know some people are sad that it has been lossed.
not many people care.

Might as well give funding to revive Norn there.

Norn can't be revived.
There are 0 books in it.
You would be borrowing at least 90% of the vocabulary from another Norse language so then it wouldn't be Norn.

That's the point. Pushing Scottish Gaelic in Shetland is like trying to revive Norn. Pointless.

English people being alive is bad but no one wants to exterminate them.

Isn't Scottish a long dead language?

no. 1% still speaks it daily.

>1% still speaks it daily.
According to who?

>but no one wants to exterminate them

was it artificially revived or something?

the government survey in 2011.
well maybe some do but not many.
no, many old people still speak it.

>was it artificially revived or something?
That would be Cornish.

But yeah, modern "Scots" is also pretty artificial.

no it isn't.

It is in the sense that most speakers have to make an effort if they want to speak "real" scots because eveyone is so used to speaking Scottish English or Scots mixed with English.

We have books in it …
Swedes really are silly.

>We have books in it …
Cool, I like books.

swedes are stupid.