
>Wake up
>No new thread
>I’m the designated new thread maker now apparently

Thread Theme: youtu.be/A5AAcgtMjUI

Previous: Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)

>What are extra flags?
Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Yas Forums, Yas Forums, /sp/, and /bant/, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitLab page.

How to install: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Yas Forums

>Webm install guide (Desktop and Mobile):
Chrome: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/chrome-install.webm
Firefox: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/firefox-install.webm
Opera: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/opera-install.webm

>Collecting Flags?
World template: i.imgur.com/DcBPwzx.png
Regional templates: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Yas Forums/tree/master/maps
About Yas Forums's flags: i.imgur.com/w9VDsop.png

>Making Flags?

>Having troubles installing the script?
Ask here

>Looking for flags?
The 4 boards that have integrated default flags are Yas Forums, /bant/, Yas Forums and /sp/. Happy hunting :^)

>Other flag tools?
Flaggot: github.com/dnsev/flaggot
Flag Fixer: github.com/ebinBuddha/Yas Forums-Flag-Fixer
Extra Flag Lister: github.com/ebinBuddha/Flag-Lister-for-Yas Forums
TAMPA: gitlab.com/Tampanon/TAMPA

Attached: 4C037CD3-7E45-4E1B-84F0-B2BE9F361A06.jpg (998x666, 36.07K)

First for you can’t be a fag and culturally right go to the bottom left

Attached: B7C56BF5-CE3E-44E5-AACF-B28ED64BE577.jpg (1009x1005, 99.8K)

gonna make a disgusting frozen pizza and eat it while watching my cat sleep

Attached: 1550293095254.png (930x1136, 1.14M)

livestream your cat

Attached: 1564313166344.jpg (2204x3920, 266.17K)

What a ugly flag

You ever taste the cool and refreshing taste of Vernors after a shitty pizza? “2020 is the year of dust times”. Try it and thank BASED Michigan for it

Idk flags with black in it are pretty nice (see you’re and Germany’s flags)

Attached: 80611F75-6D0F-46F8-BA7D-A8EB7EEA975C.png (400x380, 260.06K)


what about our flag? (the truly one)

Attached: Iraq.png (900x450, 14.14K)

This looks ok. 7.5/10


>Today is last french and math class
Feels good. Just gonna survive finals next week (specifically math) then I can bullshit all winter 2 & summer

Attached: CC03A56B-E507-45EA-8CD6-EBD2996E9F43.png (420x420, 20.61K)

good luck fren

gonna have breakfast but its actually dinner

just gonna wait for the weed to kick in to eat like its meant

If you don’t have flags you should get them. I’m on my phone so I can’t see if you do


Pretty much the same here

Good luck To you

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Attached: 1587128650148.jpg (800x400, 32.94K)

Bottom tricolor looks cool

bottom tricolor is the flag of imperial russia

Thanks and to you too friendo

Isn't it more yellow

Looks orange

Historical flags of Russia

The Imperial Standard was the black Double-Headed Eagle displayed on a golden banner, represented the Tsar, the absolute ruler of the Russian Empire. ... When the black-yellow-white flag was in use between 1858 and 1883, the red-blue-white flag was still used as a civil ensign.

feeling sleepy

Attached: 1534529755231.png (549x826, 520.6K)

I think whoever made this picture copied the orange of the Band of Saint George (which occupies the leftmost part of the flag) and copied it onto the Imperial flag

Varg ain't looking too good

he'll be fine

Attached: 1585867131848.png (344x155, 39.96K)
