I just realized I have not learned any new argumentative skills, nor have had any real argument on here. Considering nowadays, where we just compete for who has the bigger soy folder and who could spout one-liners (cope, dilate, seethe, have sex) the fastest.
I just realized I have not learned any new argumentative skills, nor have had any real argument on here...
perform sexual intercourse
You can still have some real discussion on 4chin but it's like winning on the lottery. If someone runs out of things to say he will start throwing fits. But it's not much different from talking with your average person, even here anons just try to adjust to local culture by repeating the actions of the others without even thinking about it.
I know it's stupid but I cant stop laughing when I post soyface or see someone else do it. Someone's incredibly well thought out and painstakingly detailed point can be "BTFO" with a mere soyjack image
>just realized I have not learned any new argumentative skills, nor have had any real argument on here. Considering nowadays, where we just compete for who has the bigger soy folder and who could spout one-liners (cope, dilate, seethe, have sex) the fastest.
kek, this
Same, it's all nonsensical, but I think it adds up to lessening the seriousness taken by some of the users.
>The visual equivalent to "that's what you sound like" BTFOs detailed arguments
I think you're just shit at analyzing arguments. Most soyposting is a user admitting they can't/won't debate any further.
>>The visual equivalent to "that's what you sound like" BTFOs detailed arguments
>I think you're just shit at analyzing arguments. Most soyposting is a user admitting they can't/won't debate any further.
>I just realized I have not learned any new argumentative skills, nor have had any real argument on here. Considering nowadays, where we just compete for who has the bigger soy folder and who could spout one-liners (cope, dilate, seethe, have sex) the fastest.
>I think you're just shit at analyzing arguments. Most soyposting is a user admitting they can't/won't debate any further.
gotchu covered famalam
>I think you're just shit at analyzing arguments. Most soyposting is a user admitting they can't/won't debate any further.
most people aren't interested in debating to begin with, but this can also be used as a cope
Well said.
Let's admit it from the OP you knew this thread would be filled with soydit memefaces
you need to be relatively sly when you want to get something
who would have replied if he just wrote "soyjack thread, post your soy"
You really don't, just say the opposite of what you expect and you will get what you want.
Sometimes I go on boards with the express purpose of finding someone's opinion piece just so I can react with soyface
by this logic i should post "i don't want a (You)" to utterly absorb all the board's attention onto me
I expected a soy response but you came too early so I unveil my strategy for explaining my move thank you very much
This will give you bigger chance of getting one than saying you want (You)s. Important thing is to post image that is clickbait.
>Sometimes I go on boards
>I expected a soy response but you came too early so I unveil my strategy for explaining my move thank you very much
So fucking easy. So fucking easy. I just walk away
>So fucking easy. So fucking easy. I just walk away
You should have used a smug soyjak, like this one.
The level of retarded you must be on to find soyaks even remotely funny after you've seen like three of them is mind boggling. A little kid's sense of humour, poopoopeepee was more mature and funny. Go on, soyak this post you uniriginal, stupid roach.
>The level of retarded you must be on to find soyaks even remotely funny after you've seen like three of them is mind boggling. A little kid's sense of humour, poopoopeepee was more mature and funny. Go on, soyak this post you uniriginal, stupid roach.
> The level of retarded you must be on to find soyaks even remotely funny after you've seen like three of them is mind boggling. A little kid's sense of humour, poopoopeepee was more mature and funny. Go on, soyak this post you uniriginal, stupid roach.
>The level of retarded you must be on to find soyaks even remotely funny after you've seen like three of them is mind boggling. A little kid's sense of humour, poopoopeepee was more mature and funny. Go on, soyak this post you uniriginal, stupid roach.
>The level of retarded you must be on to find soyaks even remotely funny after you've seen like three of them is mind boggling. A little kid's sense of humour, poopoopeepee was more mature and funny. Go on, soyak this post you uniriginal, stupid roach.
>The level of retarded you must be on to find soyaks even remotely funny after you've seen like three of them is mind boggling. A little kid's sense of humour, poopoopeepee was more mature and funny. Go on, soyak this post you uniriginal, stupid roach.