Is it true you don't have those things?
how do you get gas to cook and so on?
Pls don't be rude and hateful.
Question to europians
depends on where you live. i've cooked with gas all my adult life, in my first apartment, we had these for cooking. in my current apartment, i'm connected to the city's gas lines.
We get it from the grid.
most people are connected to the grid, at least in civilized europe
Don't have this no. Never seen it either in/at a normal house. Sometimes at caravans though
electric stove
We use inductive heating
Isn't that dangerous? Have gas spread all over the city? And if it starts to leak somewhere, how do you find out?
Until 2019 you were obligated by law to have a gas, electricity and phoneline connection in your house.
Keep in mind the Netherlands is the largest producer of natural gas in the EU so we have a financial interest
We have them. It's the only way to get gas in our home.
Gas explosions very rarely happen but we add something to our gas to give it a distinct smell which you can quickly detect.
The system can also detect loss of pressure of course.
Still psychos can sometimes blow up their house if they desire
I use them, it lasts me around 2 months. There is no access to grid with LPG where i live.
>Largest producer of natural gas
Haha *prrrrt*
My family have but we used this only in emergency situations
If there only was some kind of invention that could detect a leak, like electronic sensors that measures pressure or. something...
Don’t you have access to gas in each building?
Your flag is so cute
Why does France and Spain have so little ?
Looks like very big areas are left out without them, or does this map highlight main ones and their is small lines?
A gas network like we have in (western) Europe is almost unheard of in the rest of the world. I was shocked too when I found out about it.
From what I know only the UK, Netherlands and Germany have a full gas network. I don't know about other places but my guess is Spain doesn't have it
Thank you. Yours is nice as well.
We mostly use electric here, so I havent seen any households or places in general that sell these, they arent really common in Norway
In my shithole hometown someone killed himself by blowing up his house on purpose
you have to pay a truck similar to this to distribute one to you
Or you can get it from the oil station if you live near one.
1.) they add mercaptan to it so it smells
2.) unlike the third world people immediately act when they see a problem instead of waiting for the situation to deteriorate to the point where their lifes are in danger
3.) natgas needs an oxidiser so explosions are basically impossible if they're not deliberately caused
oh also we do have those, they're used for cooking in garden sheds, remote locations, etc
Yeah though in the rest of the world they have them installed underneath their stoves, it's a really odd sight. I only know them from BBQ or camping
Even Americans ?
I think Americans have gas like Europe, also Iran when I went there had gas lines.
I love 5th grader humor and came here to post exactly that
I have no clue about the USA, though my guess is that it's a very rural vs urban thing there.
The USA is huge compared to the parts of Europe with gaslines.
I remember as a child my mom buying those for making big food
How was childhood in Algeria?
We do have those. But the vaste majority of people use electric stoves.
>people in Lebanon still use LP gas tanks
About damn time I can finally dab on someone else's thirdworldish.
Haven't used one for about a decade. Now it's just electric and firewood stove.
it was in france, you can buy them at gas station
Also Lebanon frend you shouldn't look at gas as something for cooking, gas is hugely effective at heating (many times more so than electricity) so we mainly use our gas networks for heating up our houses.
Yeah I know because as a child my parents bought one on our holiday in France
Of course it was France, Mamadou.
that's a nice souvenir
I live on an island. There are no gas pipelines in my city 600k city, and basically no home has gas here, it's all electricity. The only ones who use gas are restaurants and houses on the countryside.
some towns have central gassing
Sorry I didn’t mean to leave it on
I know these only from Syrian war videos from LiveLeak
chad way to die
Damn sounds cool
Ah you are right.
I didn't pay attention to that because most people here use either wood or oil, pic related.
Yeah but we have to permanently heat our houses between 250 to 365 days a year.
You can do this with electricity but only houses build after 2000 have good enough isolation techniques to keep the little heat electricity produces inside. Meanwhile you can put a standard central heating system working on gas in some 18th century house and it will be heated perfectly.
Do you consider sling shooting a sport?
Diese Menschen haben sich echt eine KUNST daraus entwickelt. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass es je einen Gas-Faden geben könnte kek
"mamadous" live in commie blocks which have grid gas. I used to live in a village and im probably older than your father
New houses here are getting central heating systems.
But I prefer the soba(the black thing) way much.
All the family gathers around it at night and we watch tv, you can also put sweat potatoes and other things in it to eat them around.
dude, brasil dont have gas pipelines? really? thats a thing even here
I have a magic pipe that comes into my house and gives me gas.
>A gas network like we have in (western) Europe
Eyyyyyyyyy fuck off us eastern europeans have it too
I said (western) because I have no clue how exactly you do it in the east. But if you have gas lines too I stand corrected
Il est juste jaloux. auprès toute évidence, à cause de l’état misérable du propre pais a-t-il montré son rage au premier habitant du monde développé qu’il a pu voir ici
Every town in Russia has it
Some villages don't have, but big enough villages have as well. There are some exceptions but they are few