India should be balkanized. This is like making the entirety of Europe or SEAsian into a single country.
India should be balkanized. This is like making the entirety of Europe or SEAsian into a single country
imagine a world where everyone was his or her own country
A balkanized India would be a nightmare for the world.
A non-balkanized India is already a nightmare for any decent ethnicites who have to share the same label as the street shitters and cow piss drinkers.
Most of the languages in that map are just meme dialects. "Urdu" isn't even spoken in that area, "Awadhi" and "Kanauji" are dialects of Hindi. Even if Urdu was spoken there, it is pretty much the same thing as hindi...
Please don't. India is a model for multilingual nation.
They are not perfect, but they are the best in this regard.
>decent ethnicites
>in South Asia
Okay but what about the other 100 languages?
Some actually have toilets.
There are many other dialects of Hindi that shouldn't be counted as separate languages. Also some small tribal languages that nobody speaks are included.
This is the real map.
>india should be balkanized
WRONG. India needs to be nuked, along with other shitholes in south asia
No, p*kistan, b*ngladesh, maldives, sri lanka and nipple should all be a part of Greater Hindustan/Bharat.
Go back to Goa :D
That's still too many languages regardless.
Also, while language is one thing, race is also an issue.
Make your own ethno-state first, Zhang. And countries like Switzerland have had several languages for hundreds of years and it worked fine.
>India should be balkanized
only non-Indians say this shit lol
India has a federated structure of administration. States have their own elections and parliaments and even different laws.
It already is balkanized, sort of.
Why the fuck would you care?
you see one map and think you know anything about how to run the country
pull your head out of your ass not every country is going to have nice clean boarders.
How long have they been a country? they've had how many wars?
Seriously india has huge numbers of poor people, exploding populations and massive political problems between their majority populations.
They know how to keep their poor in check.
They know how to( in the face of massive poverty) maintain a focus on science.
Keeping Muslims and Hindus from killing each other is a larger challenge than anything our culture has faced.
We might be rich but we are inexperienced as hell and far more wasteful with what we have.
200 years ago most of this country was untouched look at it now.picture a few hundred.
Our cops and courts wouldn't last a day doing their jobs.You could not possibly enforce our laws and punishments in India its economically impossible for them yet some how they keep more order than their neighbors.
>Seriously india has huge numbers of poor people, exploding populations and massive political problems between their majority populations.
>They know how to keep their poor in check.
>They know how to( in the face of massive poverty) maintain a focus on science.
>Keeping Muslims and Hindus from killing each other is a larger challenge than anything our culture has faced.
Pajeet please. You are diaspora, you're not allowed to be patriotic and brag about a country you've left.
But I agree that OP is a massive faggot.
>too many languages
You have to be retarded to think that you can only speak one language or pumped so full of Chinese and Russian philosophy that your shit is red.
how did forcing every one to learn mandarin work out for you? fucking commie pos.
Shouldn't you be studying Finnish?
The Swiss don't honor kill their kids for marrying someone from a different caste.
I mean, half true.
Thinly veiled Sikh nationalist thread.
>The Swiss don't honor kill their kids for marrying someone from a different caste.
we weren't talking about castes to begin with
no it's the other way around.
ngl sikhs>hindus>muslims
I've met them all and sikhs are by far the better neighbors.
t. sikh
Someone post that sikh are bro tier meme
Balkanize it further
very uneducated post bro