Well Yas Forums?
Well Yas Forums?
once you realize its mostly due to jealousy, you almost enjoy it
nah, it's good
they are always on about usa numbah 1 so you are allowed to make fun of them
I hate America for bombing my country, miss me with this gay shit
anyone who says america isnt the greatest country in the world is just a butthurt Mohammed
always gets my goat when iran tries to squirm from under the boot of america with threats of war. shut the HELL up you beastly nation. USA has the nuke, they get to push you around. that's how it works. maybe you lot should have built a nuclear bomb back in 1945 instead of fucking goats.
America isn't the greatest country in the world. It's a continent.
There is banter, then there are the people in actual shitholes who have become convinced that their country is more developped than the US because they saw a meme on Yas Forums.
The difference between the two is that the former usually comes from actual developed countries making fun of our inequalities or neocon Warhawks even though they're also our lackies.
The latter usually come from shitholes like Brazil or the Balkans.
BASED, fuck those lefty-islamic terrorists
Americans are perfectly fine with shitting on other countries like China, India, Iran, Sweden and dozens of others but the second you make a healthcare joke they shit all over themselves and cry oppresion
Fuck those manchildren and their victim complex
americans dont make it easy for themselves tho
tldr, I hate Americans and r*dditors
Yes but that's Yas Forums, they're all retarded.
that's pretty obviously ironic.
The unjustified killing of millions? I sleep
Don't pretend to care about browns.
With every post you drag your nation's reputation through the mud and still you wonder why nobody likes you. PROTIP: It's not our fault you suck.
>Man, I wish elites in the U.S. would stop invading and destabilizing developing countries that's a really shit thing to do"
Yeah and most of them vote for and support this shit.
>tfw you make fun of Americans too much and they finally become mindbroken
Lol. You're still larping?
America is a cancer. Everything new that's bad comes from there and wiggles or simply forces its way into European (especially British) culture. The fact that there are people like this dickhead who won't even admit this makes me dislike them even more. Yeah okay, you've stepped in shit and dragged it around my carpet, don't now claim that it's everyone's shit.
>insufferable, excessive, uninformed, unnuanced, inaccurate, unoriginal and FUCKING annoying
Just like Americans then
the world would be a much better place if people weren't so mean to each other but yeah it doesn't work like that.
I hope he gets shot soon.
another burger who can't take the banter
Holy based, how will they EVER recover?
stupid people exist in every country. The real thing is whether or not you record their stupidity, most flags here are obsessed with pointing out American stupidity and screencapping it while other countries oftentimes get a pass.
Pic related is some seriously arrogant retardation that I pulled from the archive because I don't actually care enough to save "le epic screencap to btfo sweden" and just want to use it to make a point.
Banter gets a bit serious here sometimes
He's making fun of you, you dolt. Clearly it went over your head like always.
yeah.... you're a fucking retard if you think that guy was making fun of anyone. He clearly read it wrong and was just being an arrogant faggot
Show me your grenade collection
See this shit is why people say you can't banter. Arrogant? Just roll with it.
Like I said, other countries get a pass. Thanks for proving my point I guess
I can feel the seething :^)
I dislike America as much as the next guy. But euros on Yas Forums seethe about them 24/7. Is that the current Europe identity? Amercans live in their heads rent free?
The world revolves around us so much that other nations barely acknowledge each other online.
You're a retard if you think Sweden gets a pass.
The guy clearly read it wrong. He was being a retard not making fun of him.
I'm saying that because you are right now at this moment trying to give the guy a pass when he was clearly 100% just wrong and not even trying to make banter
The fuck is a "soccer" ?
You don't "give passes" in banter. It's just banter. Why would you need to give a pass? Are you legitimately retarded?