>Your cunt
>Favourite anime character?
pic related
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Lal'c from Diebuster
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A lot of based niggas in this thread
Ohhh, don't go breaking my heart now user
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his brother, I don't have a pic of him tho.
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And thanks for the other thread, you and the french user really managed to stamp a smile on my face :>
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>da spooders kill my clan
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I hope you got to read my posts before the thread was deleted
if you're ever feeling down im here!
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I had a dream I was Killua last night and that Gon was dying from a terminal illness
I'm not a gay loser to watch chink cartoons
There is straight anime tho
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you better call up Alluka and save him
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Gon just sort of accepted it and asked the doctor to take him off life support or whatever
Die mehmet
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he was just 55 years old
fuck this gay earth
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