Is that true, Finland?

Is that true, Finland?

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>exercise bike
here's "company issued bike". Everyone rides it, noone wants to take it home


Yes they are quite promiscuous. I once scored because I wore a hat like this.
Other ons I had was with a fennoswede who couldn't talk finnish lmao

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Yes. Finnish women are incredibly easy. Especially in the bigger cities.

Well I've never heard the exercise bike thing but I think the average Finnish single woman has nearly as much as the sex as the average single man in a relatively conservative country. I don't see any issues with it.

The busiest and loosest sluts have 7 sex partners during their lifetime while the sluttiest men have 14, 7 being the average. I don't really get the double standards involved, everyone suffers when even mediocre women are expected to have high standards.

Yes. I still can't get laid tho.

"Town cycle" is common. I've never heard that "exercise bike" term before.

>exercise bike
No, they are called "kyläpyörä", village bike XDDD

No, it's not exercise bike. We just call them bicycles. I don't know who retard wrote this, if you're ugly and fat and can't get laid in your own country, chances are you're not gonna get laid in Finland either.

On the other hand, most Finnish women are descendents of Turanid race so they look the woman in the picture. They may be easy but do you really want to score with a woman like that?

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100% correct and men here are sluts too. Btw its not kuntopyörä but kyläpyörä (villagebike)

walking in the Turku city centre on a friday night, it's almost harder NOT to have girls come up to you wanting to fuck. I'm not complaining but they are definitely quite easy, lmao.

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Wow, the shitters from Ylilauta have arrived. I am so, so sorry fellow posters that you had to see this. Not all Finns are such a retards.

>"Town cycle" is common
We use this phrase in bongland too, "town bike". When I was discussing it with my Norwegian friend before, he said they called those kind of girls "matresses".

Girls from small towns aint that easy because they are afraid of being the "easy one". In bigger cities tho girls are very easy, they get horny after few strong drinks.

>The busiest and loosest sluts have 7 sex partners during their lifetime while the sluttiest men have 14, 7 being the average.
Bullshit and you know it. Women have on average 12+ partners in nordic countries.
>I don't really get the double standards involved, everyone suffers when even mediocre women are expected to have high standards.
Nobody likes a whore except other whores, no matter the gender. The whole "it's ok for men" is a made up thing.

Who wrote this? Some horny 15yo? "Jakorasia/splitter" and "kyläpyörä/town bike" are slurs used the same way as whore/thot in english.

Without freedom of speech, we live in Turanny

We also have cucks like this guy here too.

I don't know. I always score way easier when I'm travelling, but I guess that is an universal thing for travellers.

I'm quite sure that you will not score in Finland if you cannot score in your own country. The easy places to score for white guy are in Asia and South America.

You don't know me bro, okay? Not a single thing.

Yeah. Finnish girls are sluts and also the most insufferable women on the planet.

Ylilauta was here :D vitun veetit

What do Finnish girls look like? Wb the sluts you know?

I get the urges to beat my girlfriend when she is drunk god damn how fucking annoying she can be.


Here we call nigger fuckers "immigrant mattresses"


This is bs.

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blue eyes and blonde
anglo-australian (strong accent)
7 or 8/10 face
would I be chad in Finland finnbros?

I blame the schooling system. It has been teaching to all the girls younger than 30-35y now that having multiple sex partners doesn't effect your value at all. Also, the same generation has been taught that abortion is only about mother since there is no baby yet.

you've got a gf
be quiet


you would be an incel cuz the standards of finnish women

I see this rhetoric all the time
It's equally gross and disturbing when either sex does it
Don't have sex with strangers, that's reserved for people you love and respect. People are more than meat.

>would I be chad
Nah, below average at least in Helsinki.

Most likely you would not stand out that much. Almost everyone has blue eyes and blond hair here. Average height is around 5'11 and 6'3 is still common.

Yes, Finnish women go crazy for Aussie men. There are even periodic articles in Finnish media of Australian men bragging about how easy it is to fuck Finnish women

You'd have a hard time not getting laid.

All women are whores and they want to fuck most men except OP and me

Idk, but that description looks like something written by Roosh the retard to attract more desperate male customers
He makes descriptions like this for every country in the world. He's like the astrologer of getting laid, milking the naivety of sad fucks for profit.