Will China be the most benevolent superpower in history?
Will China be the most benevolent superpower in history?
I wonder how many will be faulty. 3/4 probably based off of the ones sent to Europe.
Do you have proof?
And how many will be infected with the virus
No tests? The ones in the US aren't very good.
It's asking me to subscribe lol
>too low IQ to avoid that
You're never gonna make it
Of course.
What do you think "Community of shared future for mankind" mean?
Canada probably avoided a bad batch of N95 masks when Trump's executive order forced 3M to stop sending masks to Canada. Having to dedicate all their facilities to mass produce masks probably didn't give them enough time to quality check all of them.
I doubt they will be unusually benevolent. No power is particularly benevolent. But it will be fine.
China only does these “humanitarian” gestures because the eyes of the world are upon them. If they knew there was no one else around to hold them accountable for their actions they would just do whatever the fuck they wanted.
So they would be like you
I miss you, Arkadij. Please become a world power again. Come on, once more. Once more for old times' sake.
USA released the virus on China as part of a wargame. They expected this to happen so they can justify another major war. USA is really good at making false flags.
>US did it
We won't know until the CIA documents leak 10-20 years from now. And by then, nobody would give a shit anymore.
If they're capable of pulling that off then why not just overthrow the CCP altogether? You conspiratards are morons.
Exactly. It's not about who is right. It never was. It's about who controls the narrative. And right now, US does. Expect proxy wars soon. The death machine has to keep moving, and neither Trump nor Biden (lol) is going to stop it
The demands for them being "not faulty" are just silly, like it requires to be washed at 90 degrees but nothing needs to be washed like that. The masks work just fine, western msm is just trying to make China look bad.
Because they don't want another Vietnam. Public opinion has to be by their side. Public opinion was on their side when Sadam shit, and everybody knows now how it went. It was embarrasing and we know it.
USA is the worst thing that happened to this world.
Look it up or be fucked. We've had some defective shipments in the north, and decent ones in the China friendly south.
I haven't looked into it at all, but I've read posts about US privateers entering China's seas and stuff like that. Basically ships taking supplies or blocking trade routes.
I've only read about the US confiscating German masks in Thailand.
they love to do business with other countries (could be a good or bad thing) but not exactly benevolent
"Superpowers" are just empires. Take a look at a history book and find one example of a benevolent Empire.
>that horrible flag
No, the US are a particularly bad example
I mean... are you just gonna ignore all the news reports about the donations from CCP being defective, stolen, or outright trade deals packaged as "help"
>death to USA
lol, they'll love USA again in a month, everybody is quick to forget
The virus has left the laboratory of virology in Wuhan, 5 years ago they were experimenting with SARS, putting a protein from one bat coronavirus that matches the current one.
The narrative is being made by the Chinese and you have not noticed yet, shame on you.
By China or US?
Also, were they just outbid like France, or was it some siezing?
The problem here is that you are projecting the Western imperialist mentality onto the Chinese