/euroscepticism - Poor dutchies

ooi , ooi , ooi

*cries in dutchito*


Attached: Captura de pantalla 2020-04-17 a las 12.02.23.png (1256x976, 1.49M)


Germany realizes that Euroscepticism increases in Southern Europe during the quarentine

Without Southern Europe, and UK already gone, UE is just a bunch of central schizophrenics, slavs on process of development and 20M of northern citizens that are trying to understand what a Nation is.

Syllogism: no more benefits for Germany

Response: Netherlands, yOu beTter bAcK uP

Attached: euro-EU-fc-1024x820.png (1024x820, 107.71K)

Fuck EU, Dutch should give them jack shit.

No one cares poorfag

why should they give free gibs? Give me one rational reason

lel Dutchcucks will pay and apologize

their country is a shithole


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Cringe & bluepilled thread

The Dutch are supposedly the biggest investors in southern Europe but they don't give a damn about helping us. Tells you everything you need to know. Our governments should blockade all Dutch investments in southern Europe asap

>references matrix

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sry is this Amsterdam or Sofia?

So why don't you leave if the European Union is so bad for you?
Or post the other stats that show how much of a parasite you are on the system?

Bro what do you want, you already get money from the emergency fund, it's never enough with you guys is it?

No more EU as a political chimaera. That’s actually amazing.


wins an oscar by showing how parasitaric-shithole his society is

Maybe you should work more and watch less movies

The dutch are greedy animals, are you seriously just now finding that out?

Honestly nobody has seen that movie outside of Reddit, and that thing in my country doesn't have more than 300 actual posters.

never, just gibe moni by spending your holidays here

Cant wait for EU to crash and burn.

Time to go back to trade union.

You will pay for your boldness, De Geert, you will pay big money (or give massive frisian milkers)

and he's correct

>Dutch are investing in us because we have potential but need capital
>But they wont give us free money for absolutely nothing
wow what assholes

mine is a shithole too, that doesn't change the current situation

yeah but you're a shithole for different reasons.

Hanseatic league reborn when

Macron said yesterday, that climate change right now was a more burning issue than ever. Once the hysteria passes in 2 or 3 months all EU leaders will be like the emperor without clothes. Rest assured, no more EU.

This is meaningless, we cannot have eurobonds without a fiscal union.

Germany doesn't want these Eurobonds either. We're just taking one for the team, often the Netherlands hides behind Germany.

Federalisation will be acted some years after the mutualisation of national debts screen cap this.

what medfags dont realize about eurobonds is that if that happens then we will have to give up control of our budgets. That means no shopping spree with Germany's credit card

>dutch/german/northern shithole soulless

southern soul shitholes

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