The future of France is _____

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EEhhhhhh *TCHIP* blanc garcon nous es coucher avec tu femmes

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How old is she?

Those black men are not a problem to France's homogeneity at all, because they fully integrated into French society BY marrying French women. The real problem are the NAFRIs who will never ever be truly loyal to France and will try bring their entire extended families to France and marry their cousins there

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This. So glad Benzema (who isn't that good) isn't on the NT

Because France is a kafir nation

>top male athletes are black
>top female athletes are white
It’s like this in America too. The American women’s soccer team is 1488. Tbqh I think this is proof white women are made for black men. They are the best of their respective genders.

Our women are good for like 90% of our gold medals outside of ice skating

I agree. I'd take blacks over nafris.
Blacks are dumb but we can educate and civilize them for the most part and make them good citizens.
Nafris are just bad to be bad. They have absolutely no moral and no dignity. They enjoy being pieces of shit. Imagine being worst than a nigger. I say, kill'em all

I'd take neither over either.

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Varane doesn't even look extremely black. Look at that facial structure and those lips.

>>top female athletes
These women are their wives

Watching and supporting sports it's the most cucked shit that ever existed

Why don't black athlete go for black women? Is it self hate?

>Watching and supporting sports it's the most cucked shit that ever existed
Do you prefer to play games or watch anime?

white people are just naturally a bit more attractive on average.

women's main selling point as a partner is their beauty and mother potential, it makes sense.


>the most cucked monkey that ever existed

black and beautiful

I think he's "mixed", but the black part is from one of the isles likeMartinique or something.. so not the baddies

It is, partially. Spike Lee warned about it 50 years ago already.
The other part is indeed, whites being more attractive on average, across cultures (i.e. not a fashion effect like arabs or blacks will be deemed attractive by young western bitches).

Lmfao faggot

Any of those things is better than worshipping ball kicking niggers

Even better if you're not even paying for it

most of them are thots and roasties from the ghetto
we don't even care

american education

>t.hasn't watched football since brazil got raped 7-1 in 2014

Is she the thot too??

I celebrated about that, dumb normalfaggots where destroyed and soccer took a plunge in popularity.

White people are good at lifting really heavy shit and running incredibly long distances. Basically all autistic sports. Black people are good at explosive sports and that's what people generally prefer watching and playing.

you sound like a virgin who was bullied in school

Ok underage


We're much better at hockey than blacks

Because they don't give a shit.