I just realised how important is good PR for a country

When most people hear "Brazil", they see favelas and crime, while when they hear "South Africa", they see villas in Cape Town, even though on average South Africa is much poorer and more dangerous than Brazil

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Both are failed multi-cultural states, just like USA

Pretty sure when most people hear ‘Brazil’ they think of warm weather,Rio’s great beaches and hot women compared to South Africa where they think of crime,violence and ‘white farmer genocide’.Even Mexico with its drug cartel violence has better international PR than South Africa.

When people hear brazil, they think football and Carnival

ok but why is it important what some random asshole ''thinks'' of your country?
most intelligent people would be more careful about making an opinion about a country, maybe read something and not just watch tropa de elite.

when people hear of new york they think about warsaw

PR is also advertising to the people in the country itself.

when i hear "Brazil" is see low iq brown people living in filth
when i hear "South Africa" i see low iq black people living in filth

must admit we've got much better PR than we deserve

I think of bikinis and mountain jesus when I hear Brazil. All that comes to mind with south Africa is a racist failed white ethno state being turned into a failed racist black ethno state.

When people think about Eastern Poland they think about Western Poland. Many such cases.

Well I mean, even potus nowadays calls some countries shithole.

most ppl are not intelligent but they have money who you want to do business with

Except we are still going strong for 240+ years as everyone else laughs at us and then gets ass-raped by war and or mass starvation.

makes industries more interested in investing in your country and brings tourism which is a pretty important source for inflow of money from abroad. it's why balkans suffer too because there's really no PR on them so they're just ex-commies/yugoslavia and its not appealing to invest in a place that's stuck in the 90's in peoples minds when they could instead invest in germany or baltics instead or something.

when i think germany i think of a cold mechanical eng. driving his bimmer from the autobahn to his mistress Franzette for his weekly dose of BROWN town

correct but this happens in private and i don't have to look at it

Are u shitting me? People think of Brazil as California with beaches, parties, carnivals and booty. No one even knows they have crime out there

When I hear Brazil I think of pretentious low IQ skinnyfat social climbing normies making cringe youtube videos on the balcony of their bland copy paste bright earth tone colored mid 90s built apartment buildings or shitty helmet cam video of a motorcycle cop shooting some garbage Taurus pistol icecream/phone store robber. Brazilian Portuguese also sounds like a Mexican person attempting drunk impersonation of Portuguese.

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latvia is failed multi-cultural state

Wtf no one thinks like this. People usually consider Brazil as some sort of vacation paradise place and South Africa as unbelievable shithole
Are you gay or just retarded?

The only season people come here is during carvaval, it's quite understandable people don't come here during the summer vacation since it's when we are experiencing winter, but brazil is far from being the great tourist spot it appears to be, mexico is a bigger tourist spot than Brazil.

>When most people hear "Brazil", they see favelas and crime
it used to be the carnival a few years ago lel
where the fuck did you go wrong?

Yeah my mistake
I wanted to say about carnival not vacations
But anyway you have quite good rep at least here. Most people thinks about Mexico and Colombia when it goes about high crime rates in Latin America

I used to think of Brazil as full of stinky supermodels who party in rainforests.

>pretentious low IQ skinnyfat social climbing normies making cringe youtube videos on the balcony of their bland copy paste bright earth tone colored mid 90s built apartment buildings
>shitty helmet cam video of a motorcycle cop shooting some garbage Taurus pistol icecream/phone store robber
These are amusingly accurate portrayals.

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Countries with warm climate are privileged indeed.

Yeah, man, like who needs investment and shit?

it's actually more important for tourism

but tourism is already dead so it's better for those negatively viewed countries at least

Honestly both countries make me think of shitty ghettos and crime.

Both of the mentioned places are crime-ridden shitholes

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>I just realised how important is good PR for a country
Poland and V4 countries have very good PR. You may take it for granted or not notice it but it was extremely important in the 90s and early 2000s during the NATO and EU integration. Slowly separating V4 from the rest of Eastern Europe in the image of people in the West is very important.