/brit/ + /briyewt/

Sheeds OUT edition

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Other urls found in this thread:



I love a good "sexy Misty" roleplay as much as the next person. But is it weird considering that Misty is 11 years old?

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He was a consul of Rome
A consul of Rome...

>actual supposed men sending tongues out and sweating emojis to birds they're chatting up

stoopid peng look at those lips

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ever met a brit named aiden?


this any good?

leftypol caught with steam billowing out of his ears after realising emojis are made for children and women

Love smelling girls farts
Love getting pissed on
Love using my tongue as toilet paper

Simple as


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Is this more cringe than somebody audibly seething at the sight of a yellow smiley face?

Learned something new this morning, it’s really easy to spot the actual autists by just asking their opinion on emojis


kek I look like this

figure A

>But is it weird considering that Misty is 11 years old?
That's what makes it hot

things i hate about Yas Forums

1) endless frog/wojak images with no effort put in
2) everyone thinking other posters are walking caricatures of their nations stereotypes and these jokes aren't 10 years old by now
3) virgin freaks who think they speak for everyone

leftypol not doing too great this morning. first humiliated over tattoos and now emojis. embarrassing.

Underaged zoomers left shibbolethed by their support of spamming cringe emojis because "that's what all teenagers do"

I don't understand, I just fucking don't
why don't you use words? why've you got to express yourself with silly faces? they're made for children who have a very limited vernacular

Does "game" exist of is shagging 100% about looks?

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Who is audibly seething? You can't hear a thread dumbass. Stop being salty for getting called out as an emoji-using homo

like to live vicariously through other peoples dating app matches

I don't know why, but I'll tell you this. This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.
I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Yas Forums. Do anything else.

Mental how a woman asking if I’m a fag has led to an emoji argument

ah yes, let me just get on my high horse about what's normal and socially acceptable then use the word "shibbolethed"

if you use emojis unironically then i cant imagine you're older than 18.

that yan valery story is fucked if true

4) racism outside of Yas Forums

know it's a copy paste but i get more laughs from Yas Forums than any other website.

My nonce detector is going wild at this post.

They are used to convey tone you absolute turbo autist

People who get tattoos are retards
"Men" who use emojis are faggots
"Men" who like stupid nerd shit aka star wars are soys
"Men" who play videogames are pathetic

Simple as

I do use words, you just end it with a face to express if you were being flirtatious for example.
It makes it far easier for women to understand as they use them ALL THE TIME. Only an autist wouldn’t get this.

feel free to go back to your whatsapp group any time

You are autistic that's why, there is literally no other explanation, you haven't interacted with normal people for at least a decade so you're out of the loop, it's now normal, PLEASE just keep your weird virgin opinions to yourself


critical input for the the final solution to the emoji question

They're made for the general public you absolute spacker and the addition of a image adds context the similar to the way the addtion of a soyjak or gigachad changes the meaning of text.

Are you actually this isolated from women you literal virginous freak?

Knew there were a lot of autists here, but didn’t realise there were this many.
No wonder so many of you are virgins

always lie on these autistic polls. enjoy your skewed results.

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Coffee shop over the road has opened for takeaway orders. Honestly mental how going in for an apple turnover has been the highlight of my month. Get the Greggs back open.

Any redpilled alphas in?

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No they're not
Be quiet

*hurls a nonce-ball in your direction*

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Anyone ever rang the suicide hotline?

Hello underaged posters

tfw remember when I could always tick the youngest option on anything that asked for your age
wasted my life on here lads

go back to re ddit

what do you actually get when you "prove" to /brit/ that you're more "normal" than someone else?
is it literally just dopamine?

Interesting how Michael Gove’s daughter openly talks about using drugs including cannabis when her dad oversaw the justice system imprisoning thousands of mostly BAME and working class people for the same offence

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Wait.... Hang on a minute. You have mobile phones but choose to communicate via text?

wonder what happened to all the other 27-29 y/o that i was sharing the site with 5-6 years ago.

fuck off you actual autistic freak

I'm not saying whether it's right or wrong to use emojis, but the fact remains that if you're a normie who's a regular shagger then you'll probably use emojis quite often when chatting with birds

sucking a master ball

99% of the time its looks 1% of the time there's some chad looking autistic freak who fucks it up or some random anonymous posters story about how their epic ugly short friend pulls all the time

I hope they got wives and children

The hope that if they learn a little bit you're less likely to see their autistic ramblings in the future

You need to bear in mnd that despite protestations the majority of regulars here are adolescents. Very largely immature, unpopular and physically abused (by their peers) adolescents. They have little experience of social interaction and meme-ing with its endless repetition and roots often lost in "gang" lore helps them to feel they "belong" to something.

There is no 'emoji question', literally everyone uses them now, my boss where I work in a big finance company even sends them in emails, they're normal, if you don't use them when texting you are a FREAK its simple

how the fuck have I managed perfectly fine with speaking to people without using a single emoji ever in my life? hardly anyone I speak to uses them either, they are made for genuine children, I refuse to imagine a fully grown man scrolling through his emojis picking the perfect one to convey whatever tone he's wanting to send and not instead relying on people picking up what you're trying to say through reasonable deduction

Having some beans on toast lads

they got a life you sad little twat

I'm here, WFH

So you haven't texted with women have you? You literally are so detached from modern culture you have no idea what is going on outside of your front door.

....Gove has admitted to doing cocaine several times. This sort of hypocrisy is hardly new.

usually it’s because I’m genuinely trying to help these people, if you haven’t been using emojis when messaging women until now give it a try, the difference will be night and day

because you're not a teenager zoomer like half of the thread

walk in the bangla (what we call paki shops here) like "alri samir, just a pepsi max today"

not using emojis when chatting to girls is like trying to chop down a tree with a butter knife, yeah its possible but its a massive waste of time just to save your fragile pride

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I got the first one, looks like it'll be another year or so before the next

Incel cope.

Any other lads in the Civil Service here

modern culture is shit


yeah but what websites do you go on now?

First time wanker here lads. About to do it for the first time. Any advice?

yeah I'm not actually wading into that bit
why do you assume everyone needs your help with women?

Possibly until you hit 15ish.

Young people don’t use emojis The only people who use emojis unironically are millennials who want to act young

Mate there is no point writing this shit out, the situation has been explained to you, you are autistic. I'm really really not joking, if you unironically think that then you are so far gone from normal society that there is no other explanation, I guarantee you that if you were to text people like that people will see you as a freak because it's so so out of date. All these separate posters aren't lying to you, take it on board

half of the women i text use emojis like crazy the other half hardly use them except as a sprinkling

big fucking surprise the ones who spam them are immature retards lacking any semblance of impulse control

pretty sure this reaction on /brit/ is because the average british slag is solidly in the first category, so you poor bastards are unable to conceive of the concept of normal women, all you have is scum.

Don't like watching comedy stuff with other people. Whenever people aren't laughing it's awkward

Think about tits and arse

practice masturbating like a normal person. i developed a weird technique of putting my index finger out high and pride when having a tug, so when she tried to jerk me off i wasn't used to it so couldn't cum.

Hold your breath throughout or you'll die

I want to grill