>here's your house la
Here's your house la
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I know this thread is shitting exclusively on bongs but honestly europeans in general lack trees/nature in their urban/suburban developments
that's why i fucked yo bitch you fat motherfucker
>europeans in general lack trees/nature in their urban/suburban developments
imagine unironically typing this as an American
I don't know what Yas Forums told you lmao but most american suburbs are surrounded by green
well it is green, can't argue with that
>its third worlder replaces argument with webm of someone doing something completely unrelated
>actually proves the point that americans have much more green on their property and in neighborhoods
top lel, enjoy living poorupe
I already agreed that you have more "green". I'm just saying we have more plants
why do amerifats have to make every thread about them? fuck mutts
I literally was talking about europe and the obsessed bulgarian made it about the US for no reason, its europoor obsession over us, not me.
also its funny because he makes like 400 threads about the US daily
just leave this thread, cringefat
this is an American website, sorry bro.
>makes a thread defaming anglos IN ENGLISH
Which window is your place?
>muh anglo pride
bro, you americans are mostly german-mexican-black mutts
you're not Anglo, Jose Gutierrez
doxxable info
This is how the average street looks like in Walloon
shit on brits all you want lol, they're an irrelevant country that LARPS as being on the same tier as the USA, we are your true ANGLO overlords.
Is that germany?
why are you so obsessed with europe? is it because our cities are so green?
It's actually sad how central euros razed their lands. Fortunately fenno-scandia is still green.
Also happy Finland has been able to protect it's old forests;
the faux half-timber is so tacky
no it's not
be quiet
Nigga this is my back yard
Pot calling the kettle black
and? I never mentioned your personal back yard
not really, american suburbs tend to be built around a lot of trees and shiet
One bush per household isn't considered lush begetation here, but whatever.
american suburbs look more like this (this neigborhood seems pretty rich tho) what you posted is an Yas Forums meme
this is not even America
you just embarrassed yourself, muttfat