>No creativity What about all those consoles, games and cars?
Justin Watson
Easton Brown
You are crazy. They have a very repressive society therefore they dumb everything latent feeling into art. Japan has great movies and artists of every kind. Their creativity never chases to amaze me.
They are very based, i would like to see them become more militarized though, their natural subservience to authority suits military service perfectly. I would love to have my squad full of japs.
If Japan allied with Finland and militarized, they would be unstoppable and conquer the whole world
Jason Miller
They can't style cars at all, and that overpriced teeeyoda is a prime example.
Mason Robinson
I like that they tried to exterminate China. In hindsight, they should have just been left to get on with it. Stupid Yanks for stopping them.
Tyler Sullivan
What are your thoughts on israeli people?
I don't like them.
like all jews they have a arap face with giant nose.
They all look the same.
They look, think and behave like aliens.
They have no indoviduality or creativity. They are soulless, insects incapable of emotions like love and compassion.
Joshua Taylor
Whom do you like, Shahar?
Colton Harris
They all make a massive effort to dress and speak the same. There's no such as alternative fashion in japland
you don't get tumblrinas, but the same "mid-to-short haired homely cute 20something with unimposing clothes and maybe a little cleavage" spiel gets boring FAST.
why on earth do you have a fucking howitzer
Josiah Reyes
Hes in the army mate
Levi Evans
>why on earth do you have a fucking howitzer is this a bait?
Indeed. So there's no need to praise japs' "amazing level of creativity", виaбyчмoшник
Luke Parker
Japanese women worship British men.
Brandon King
suicide woker. I choosed to be neet.
Hudson Wright
Tokugawa shogunate had better flag. Also how popular is fate series in japan. And why is twice so popular in japan. Is it because japan male prefer cute girls imsted of aggressive sexy girls?