China has ruined our lives with their flu

Repeat after me everyone :
Death to china!
Death to china!
Death to china!

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Americans dying has improved my life

holy fucking shit poochinknadian shut the fuck up

shut up monobrow el goblino

>holy fucking shit poochinknadian shut the fuck up

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Suck my dick muhammad you brown slant eyed mongoloid muslim insect fuck!

>>holy fucking shit poochinknadian shut the fuck up

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Propaganda; nothing more.

This is just one more reason to hate the chinks but definitely not the only one.

I just want to go outside again. Fuck China.

maybe you should have fucking listened when macaroni told you to stay at home and you would be out and about again
stupid frogs

This. Every time I see the number go up, I laugh.

Jews talking about ruining lifes...

t. coronavirus

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Prompt response of China to virus is success story that will inspire generations to come and speak testament to strength of Han Chinese people.

Back in February I was saying we need to expel every smelly chink and dirty Italian from France, close the borders, gas Paris, tactical nuke Marseilles. But our gay globalist president didn’t listen and now look at us. I just want to enjoy spring and go for a hike.

>Countries near China like Korea and Vietnam that had testing, equipment and quarantine ready are fine
>Retarded Western countries half a world away ignore all warnings for two months, do nothing, and then openly flout quarantines

Would you say it to macrons face?

>j*ws mad
Praise Xi. Praise Mao. Praise the mandate of heaven.

He'd call him Manu and slap his fossilized wife's ass.

Based Greatest Ally

I thought we were cool, bro.

t. Zhang

Dont be rude to his teacher

Yes but they create most modern plagues by being a disgusting people

China is always Great.

ching chong ping pong to you too

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t. Zhang

>Spanish flu originated in Kansas
>H1N1 originated in Mexico but was spread from the US
>AIDS epidemic pretty much started in the US

>>Spanish flu originated in Kansas
[citation needed]
>everything else is trying to shoehorn blame on the USA

fucking hilarious dumb fuck

corona started when an american ate a bat burger
spanish flu started when american workers in canada were stuck in a railcart
H1N1 started when an american didn't cook his bacon long enough
AIDs started when an american had sex with the only american chimpanzee in the world also known as bigfoot

the americans basically went back in time to release the bio-engineered virus that ended up known as the bubonic plague

now you know why it's called the BLACK(ED) death. a biolab in china started it then it spread via the silk road to europe. muttposting transcends time.

>a biolab
an american biolab*
just to clarify, pl0x undo any deduction to my social credit score. thnx.

>t. Bill gates