>What language(s) are you learning? >Share language learning experiences! >Ask questions about your target language! >Help people who want to learn a new language! >Participate in translation challenges or make your own! >Make frens!
FAQ U: >How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Read the damn wiki >Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X? No >What is the most useful language? ENGLISH >What language should I learn? ENGLISH
boo i was about to make a thread anyway here's a challenge
>Easy I don't like defining myself. Would you like a cup of tea? The bright white light hurts my eyes.
>Medium He claimed he was a published author, but in reality he was just a retail worker. I scheduled a flight to Italy but unfortunately, I had to cancel it due to current events. With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt... because love is an amazing feeling.
>Hard The autumn breeze felt cold against his cheeks. He wrapped his coat tighter around him and tucked his hands into his sleeves. Entering the temple from the main doors, visitors can look directly up into the dome with its large windows, offering an abundance of light. Most shrimps are sold frozen and are marketed in different categories; the main factors for categorization are presentation, grading, colour, and uniformity.
Cooper Williams
I know this seems like a retarded question but I can't seem to find an answer. Are conjugated verbs pronounced the same as the infinitive in French?
Give me some German vlog channels, they don't have to be good. I just want to hear Germans / Austrians talk about their day.
Hunter Collins
speak french with a german accent and german with a french accent
Hudson Walker
Ryder Johnson
Möchtest du eine Tasse Tee? Das helle weiße Licht schmertzt meine Augen.
Medium Er behauptete, dass er veröffentlicht Autor war, doch in der Wirklichkeit war er nur Arbeitskraft. Ich buchte einen Flug nach Italien aber leider musste ich das abbrechen, an statt von aktuelle Ereignisse. In der Liebe sollte man ein Risiko, dass man verletzt wurde auf sich nehmen, da Liebe ein tolles Gefühl ist.
Hard Die Herbstbrise fühlte sich kalt auf seinen Wangen an. Er packte seine Jacke enger um sich und steckte die Hände in seinen Ärmel. Die meiste Garnelen sind gefroren verkauft und in verschiedenen Kategorien vermarktet; die haupt Faktoren für Kategorisierung sind Präsentation, Bewertug, Farben und Einförmigkeit.
Jose Parker
Wyatt Wood
Ah, l'orso koala inglese in via di estinzione
Michael Reed
Nicholas Garcia
Je mange, tu manges, il mange, ils mangent are pronounced the same - /mɑ̃ʒ/. Infinitive manger - /mɑ̃.ʒe/. Although some verbs change the pronunciation of ils form
Aiden Kelly
Fuck off, Welsh and Hawaiian are top tier
Julian Anderson
why is dutch the luxembourg flag???
Michael Anderson
garlic-OBJ eat-I who eat garlic-OBJ finna boutta eat-I garlic-OBJ
Joseph Russell
they only have 1 shade of each color
Ryan Parker
I feel unmotivated learning danish since duolingo is supposedly the only "good" resource so far Is it a good idea to learn norwegian (which has a lot) using danish pronunciation?
wats a good app to practice my dutch besides duolingo
Alexander Evans
Why is the only good general always dead? It's bullshit. We need to find the /lang/ threads on all the other Chinese/Russian/Jap/Hispanic basket weaving forums and create one mega tower of babel /globalang/ thread so that it's constantly popping
hey guys guys what is blue and weighs very little?
Jordan Gray
>Learning French for school >In final year of highschool This level of French is like taking Biology. I like it, but I also really fucking hate it. For you French-beginners, I will tell you this right now; tenses get scary. In English there are 3, in french there are 20. Each and every single one is difficult to remember. The Oral is difficult, French people think that they're the Flash and talk at the speed of a Scotsman who had 20 cans of red bull and enough coke to kill an elephant 50 times over.
>Also, I've been told by friends that some French people get pissy if you can't speak their language properly so watch out.
Oliver Morris
Anki if you can find any decent Dutch decks.
William Perez
>>Also, I've been told by friends that some French people get pissy if you can't speak their language properly so watch out. I hear this a lot but have witnessed the exact opposite, people are happy that you try to speak French even if it's completely broken but will get pissed if you immediately go for English without even asking "Do you speak English?" .