It's like a world of its own
They have their own anime that no one as ever heard of to their own online comic book industries
It's different, incredibly different compared to the globalized web where everyone pratically talks to everyone and uses the same websites
In a way, it is nice
Chinese internet is so wierd
Other urls found in this thread:
yep couldn't use shit when i was over there
their forums are just as autistic just with less variance of topics/ideas
tried to use wechat once but most of them just end up asking me to do their english homework
doesn't almost the entire population just use WeChat and nothing else.
they also have weibo qq zhidao etc
They have youku and billibilli
Not only that but their own nockoff webtoons wich aren't that good in terms of quality
Don't you think its weird to obsess what chinese netizens are discussing? Why do whites obsess about china so much?
Don't you think its weird to obsess what japanese netizens are discussing? Why do whites obsess about japan so much?
Wtf do whites love Japan?
I didn't know that
There is always an ulterior motive when whites show interest in asia, especially with china. It is creepy, they fetishize women from a race of men they hate.
>There is always an ulterior motive when whites show interest in asia, especially with china. It is creepy, they fetishize women from a race of men they hate.
I'm not white
I'm black
>Don't you think its weird to obsess what chinese netizens are discussing?
How is looking at Chinese sites obsession?
I'm just interested in it, not a whole lot but but still
I am sorry. Perhaps I overreacted but when you are constantly attacked it becomes tiresome.
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong country. Japan is one sea east
Maybe when we reopen the entire world after the worst epidemic in at least a century from the virus your people created and caused to spread by suppressing everything to save face we can starting thinking about something else other than “Why are chinks like this? Was bringing them up to the middle class just so they could spend their newfound wealth on pangolin scales, rhino horn and bat soup... a mistake?”
we can start***
take your meds
Does anyone know what that chinese techdeck/figerboard anime was called?
Sexpat freak
>he said, as the skinned, still-alive bamboo rat floated in his mother’s soup pot
I can literally HEAR how third world you are
I dunno
go back to rddit dumb faggot on hrt
He does not fetishize azn women, he is just a commie obsessed with china.
>doesn't almost the entire population just use WeChat and nothing else.
>Monthly Active Users: 1.08 Billion (Q3 2018)
Sina Weibo:
>Monthly Active Users (MAU): 446 Million (Dec 2018)
Tencent QQ:
>Monthly Active Users (MAU): 803.2 million (Aug 2018)
Youku Tudou:
>Registered Users: 580 Million (Oct 2018)
Baidu Tieba:
>Monthly Active Users (MAU): 665 million (Feb 2017)
>Monthly Active Users (MAU): 300 million (2016)
>Registered Users: 160 Million (Jun 2018)
>Registered Users: 382.3 Million (Nov 2018)
>Monthly Active Users (MAU): 108 Million (Aug 2018)
>Registered Users: 455 Million (Apr 2018)
>108.2 million daily active users (Sep 2018)
>400 million monthly active users (Nov 2018)
>700 million+ registered users (Nov 2017)
Tencent Video:
>500 million+ monthly active users (April 2018)
People seriously fail to comprehend just how big China is as well as just how massive 1.4 billion people adds up to in terms of a digital footprint.
Too bad the chinese government is literally the Prince of Lies so these numbers don't mean a goddamn thing.
>after the worst epidemic in at least a century
You ignorant cunt.
I'm sure there are Yas Forumstards in this very thread that actually think like that.
Yes, but only weeaboos
He's not wrong, china is known for using bots to boost numbers
Shut up idiot. Dead set.