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Dominic Gutierrez
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Ethan Cooper
whoopsie should have signed the S.W.E.A.T. pledge sweety
Levi Ross
Easton Perez
78% of Americans live paycheque to paycheque. Have you made your monthly charitable donation to the Americans?
John Lopez
I saw a documentary on Duetsche Welle about poverty in the USA
in there they have these big field hospitals set up like its a warzone for all the impoverished people to get some kind of super basic care.
Its pretty amazing to see a big gymnasium full of poor Americans getting dental work (all rotten teeth pulled out)
Justin Powell
This one
Grayson Harris
Gavin Campbell
Have you fed your American yet?
Cooper Johnson
>the literal wegecuck pledge
Why are they this cringe
Jeremiah Russell
He could use to miss a meal or twelve
Aiden Myers
This is shooped, right? Right?
Parker Allen
Most of this stuff is literally fine
James Brooks
Damn. I'm glad my parents rent in Vancouver was extremely cheap, otherwise we wouldnt have been able to afford shit. Parents lucked out paying 3 times less than average. Really makes you think how little people get paid
Jack Wright
Why is their rent so cheap? Because of rent control?
Asher Wright
Yup. Bernie Sanders want to give Americans free healthcare and the majority of Americans get mad about being given free healthcare. They actually think they are going to be taxed more for it, and would rather pay 500,000 down the road than save 200 in taxes now
Kevin Clark
That's not reflective of reality. Most Americans have access to basic vision, dental and vaccines because those are sold at Walmart. When it comes to low-end healthcare a lot of it is done at outpatient clinics and cash only clinics.
However, most people don't do that because they don't want to take the time to drive there and get it done. Also, all Americans (except those on indian reservations and northern Alaska) have access to a hospital for immiedate care, but most refuse that because ICU bills are expensive. Most Americans just don't get healthcare because most Americans don't want it, and don't see a need for it. It's why Obamacare was so unpopular, because the government tried to force everyone especially poor people to pay $200/mo for private insured healthcare that they can get for $50 cash at a clinic.
Jordan Wilson
I wonder if the average american actually thought their economy was sustainable in the long term.
Isaiah Anderson
No my parents got a 3 bedroom place in the city in the 90s in a coop. Coops are like mini communist things where there is no landlord so we pay less. Rent is like 1200 CAD in a city where a 3 bedroom townhouse is like 3300
Brandon Jenkins
One time when I was a kid, my mom forced me to go to a church because they gave everyone who attended 2 bags of free groceries lol
Easton Phillips
We would be taxed more for it, and most of it would be used by fat people who don't take their personal health seriously. Why should my money sustain people who have no respect for themselves let alone me? It's just not something people can justify when the money has to go to more important things like utility bills or rent.
Dylan Brown
>That's not reflective of reality. Most Americans have access to basic vision, dental and vaccines because those are sold at Walmart
Jesus christ americans fail to understand how dog shit their lives are.
Jason Lee
More sustainable than leeching off the EU then crashing it with Lira 2.
Zachary Ortiz
>I wonder if the average american actually thought
Noah Baker
Reminder Italy is a net contributor to the EU.
Levi Garcia
Sears did the same thing in the 20th century, and was so ridiculously successful with it they caused clinics and non-Sears affiliated healthcare places to open up outside of large cities.
Andrew Brooks
>richest country in the history of the world
not per capita
Cooper Peterson
>Reminder Italy is a net contributor to the EU.
yeah and look at how well that has gone, your country is still having debt problems and it will become more unsustainable as tax revenues fall due to the crisis and your government stops having money for your own healthcare system. In which case you'll do what mexico did when they had this problem in the 90s and dismantle all their public healthcare for private ones.
Jose Green
Food banks exist in every country. I don't know what your angle is with all this anti-American spam but you're reaching now.
John Anderson
what's wrong with avoiding debt?
Dominic Ramirez
yeah if it was for certain unpreventable diseases maybe but majority of cases are just fat fucks getting sick
Asher Harris
Indeed, this country is in the shitter and I cannot wait for the day it implodes bringing down this joke of a union with it.
Robert Reed
If you want to be mexico so much why not join spain and force them to learn italian?
Brandon Watson
Isaac Long
People always go get free stuff.