RIP America. It was fun while it lasted.
RIP America. It was fun while it lasted
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this is an improvement and you know it
Based. But pic related is even more based.
I really appreciate this if was the states of the united state and each state had alot of power in their countries and the federal gouv. was lonly for currency, millitary and internal and external relation.
I hate California so much bros...
are you from washington or oregon?
We comin fo yo womin, dey cant rezist dis BCC
I don't mind this.
>not using hawaii's real flag
Isn't the most powerful state in terms of economy? What's wrong with California?
I also saw a documentary it said they make like all the fruits America eats. Seems pretty based to me
what does this map represent?
>I also saw a documentary it said they make like all the fruits America eats
Yep, California is our country's agricultural powerhouse (pic related.)
Flyovers hate it because they think it's some dystopian wasteland full of brown people when in reality it's one of our best states, even with all the problems it has.
what even is this mess
>tfw born just in time to see the fall of the ameriKKKan empire
3 different regions of the US created their own policies to deal with the corona virus because Trump is too fucking retarded to lead a cohesive national policy. Republican mouth breathers are calling it traitorous and equating it to civil war type treason even though the governors of those states have the right to do so. Since the three disproportionately more successful western states of formed an actual alliance it's made the other flyover states butthurt even more than usual.
It's a bad map of the Fallout universe, in reality no one controls that much
Chink fifth column in California is too stupid to even cover up the fact that they're just CCP shills.
based. death to ameriKKKa
seethe harder, flyover
You flyover trash are the legit leaches profiting off the socialist welfare programs. The western states pay into it and lose money while you whiny red state faggots drain it like the hypocritical whiny welfare trash you are. It was also a Republican faggot (Reagan) that created Californias strict gun control.
i wish california was communist
"In January 2017, the California Legislative Analyst’s Office said by several measures California is, indeed, a donor state, but just barely. It receives $0.99 in federal expenditures per dollar of taxes paid, which is below the national average return for states of $1.22 per dollar paid."
If you're going to try and argue, at least don't post a 2004 Election agitprop meme.
Not him but if we’re going to do that song and dance post 2019 or GTFO cherrypicker.
That data is 15 years old. Its older than the Iphone.
Trips of truth. Commiefornia wants to go it on their own? Fine. Good luck surviving on almonds, oranges, and grapes. Don't flee when you're up to your ankles in human feces in all your cities and towns, remember... you're only one more revolutionary movement away from paradise.
>Don't flee when you're up to your ankles in human feces in all your cities and towns
t. never been there
>russian territory
congrats you're retarded
>he doesnt know
Seethe harder, delusional Commiefornian.
>Russian Territory
Ehhh... we'd likely go it on our own. For sure fail because everything is imported, but we'd make a run at it.
> we'd likely go it on our own
oh yeah just saw your extraflag
never said my pic was realistic. thats just a big roleplay
i don't live in california but i wish i did
Why don't you move m8
gotta finish college
also fuck SF. LA/SD is better.
No offense taken. No one ever knows what to do with us on these maps.
He's too busy shitting up other states to become more like the "Californian Ideal" than actually move there, as they empirically know (but won't admit, sometimes even to themselves) that it's a horrible place to live.
I wish that everyone who loves/would love to live in California, did.