Why Do They Trigger Chyna?

Attached: Taiwan.png (666x396, 327.8K)

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cause they are pro west and airbase can target almost every major cities in china

because they have bomb pussy

That's why China should invade and annex them as fast possible.

Because they are number 1

Historically, they are no different than the PRC. Several atrocities and violations of human rights sit under their belt. China has enough justification to invade them, and I hope they do because I'm tired of the push from globohomos to come to this country's defense.

everything will depend on how the next few months will unfold
as tension increases between us and china the pressure to invade taiwan will increase further and further
scary world

>posts flag of china
>'why do they trigger china'
american education...

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I think Taiwan is based.

Nothing scary about someone finally not putting up with the American bullshittery

literally nothing would happen, you donut

Taiwan's prosperity and freedom are proof the victory of the Communist Party was a disaster for China and another, better way was always available. Mainlanders are Chinese so they can't admit they made a mistake; hence the rage

Fuck China. Do you want to be a slave to Chinese commies?

>Nothing scary about someone finally not putting up with the American bullshittery

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this could be the start of something nasty everyone is trying to outsmart each other and guessing what the other side is planning to do
if the pressure ever reaches break point a full annexation by force could even happen u never know
real world says otherwise man

They legalized gay marriage and import lots of shitskins. Nothing based about that.

>Why does China trigger China?
How can China trigger itself?

using emotions and idealism in foreign policy is not a good idea

Ask yourself: which country has the heaviest influence over European nations both culturally, politically, and economically right now? It's certainly not China.

>They legalized gay marriage

That's fine you incel

>import lots of shitskins

Proofs? The vast majority of Taiwan is Han Chinese.

It's a lot easier to develop one tiny faggot island with 20 million people than it is to develop one of the largest countries in the world with 1.4 billion people you fucking retard. The PRC has gone from one of the poorest countries in the world to a superpower in the span of a generation. The PRC is about to become a high-income country in the next few years. The PRC is developing too, it just takes longer when you aren't a gay little island getting free Japanese and American investment.

because they are an example of a successful democratic china and its example undermines the legitimacy of CCP

Why you're showing me sjws from the west? Lmao, mutts being dummies as always

t. CCP shill

Shut up abdoul, your an African slave. We are mutt slaves and everything is better than these mother fuckers from orange man land

>successful democratic china
nice bait

>Brazil calling Americans mutts

No need to hate yourself Jao. I'm a mutt.

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It's Chinese rightful clay, so nothing wrong in them annexing what belongs to them. You know what's worse? Watching mutts invade other countries to rob them and nobody does anything.

Yes, accept what you are

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>The first documented case of gutter oil in Taiwan was reported in 1985. In a subsequent investigation, 22 people were arrested for involvement in a recycling oil ring over 10 years based in Taipei.
Yep, I'm thinking they're Chinksects

even after they have been integrated population dissent will still be a thing u crackass forgot the greenies won
maybe after they cut out the teeth that make taiwan so dangerous then ccp will leave them alone

more like the opposite those
communist china is literally buying recognition from other countries, and you know that to be a country, you need international recognition or diplomatic relationship with other countries other than your.
taiwan is losing in this war. China dont just investing money in africa out of kindness, they are buying their loyalty. And if i not wrong then there are now only a handful of countries in africa that have diplomat relationship with taiwan, such as Swaziland.
and you, america, if i am not wrong then you actually recognize communist china and not the ROC. But i mean, money is importance so what the hell, who care anyway