Lets settle this once and for all

northland, sweolands or geatland?

Attached: 440px-Sverigekarta-Landsdelar _namn_och_landskap.svg.png (440x1001, 97.73K)

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where are all the immigrants?

Who makes the legos?

Where the wh*te wom*n at?

it literally looks like a fucking dick. try making a better map for your fantasy country next time Bruce.

Geats are superior


Geatland without a doubt.

Yet they couldn't retain their realm and lost to the Svea Bvll

Where's Åland? Oh yeah it's ours hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa

>Yet they couldn't retain their realm and lost to the Svea Bvll
That's just because the perfidious and always so traitorous Västgöte betrayed us at Bråvalla.


Doesn't matter anyway, many of the most important royal families came from Götaland, a good example is the Bjälbo family who were East Geats.



There is no proof that the Geats were conquered by the Svears

It's like how England ended up taking the name of the Angles even though the Saxons were superior and more relevant

>Where's Åland?
Åland is in Svealand (at least by dialect) and those chads have cucked the Finnish state so badly that I doubt you fags will ever stop seething.

Finni from Österland are known for their seething.

Attached: landsdelar .png (275x400, 12.98K)

>There is no proof that the Geats were conquered by the Svears
Yup, Svears conquering Götaland is a meme theory that was abandoned many years ago.

Many royal families were geats, and for more than a hundred years the capital of Sweden was in Söderköping.

>even though the Saxons were superior and more relevant
lmao cope

I can smell the buttpain
Åland is ours forever

>Åland is ours forever
Never was and never will be lol. I saw a Finn whining somewhere about getting beaten up for speaking Finnish in Åland. lmao

Fake story made by a Swede
Finns act alpha when visiting Åland making the locals speak Finnish in their presence

>t. conquered by vikangs

If Alanders wanted to leave Finland they could easily do so. Evidently they have good reasons for wanting to stay with Finland, I guess it's so they can continue getting their special privileges from the Finnish state which treats them like royalty lol

lmao, finngol cope


Finnish speakers are frowned upon in these premises. Some Finnish speakers have migrated there and have troubles at work even if their Swedish would be rated excellent at the mainland Finland, where Swedish is spoken in very limited areas.

Hannu Maaranen is a medical doctor in Åland island, he moved there to live with his Ålandic girlfriend who speaks Swedish and limited Finnish and they also communicate in English despite both being natively Finnish by heritage. Naturally he wanted to practice medicine in his new home. The man doesnt speak Swedish very much at all.

But his patients call him names "Finn devil" and such. But he isnt taking it too seriously eventhough it is somewhat displeasing.

When he was shopping, the cashiers and other salesmen often realized the man doesnt speak Swedish and thought it would be useless to attempt to sell anything to him. Åland island inhabitants also conveniently forget English at an instant if a Finnish looking person tries to speak English to them. The islanders however rate high in English skills according to language research made in the islands.

Some finnish user said it

Götaland. Geats are the strongest fucking race

>Svea Bvll

Attached: 1586876035315.png (500x334, 259.08K)

I like västergötland because I'm from here but skåne is also qt and gotland too

>source: götarärbögar.tumblr

Really makes you think

It was made by a Stockholm subhuman

Attached: 1585247607584.png (1140x1066, 1.38M)

They made us their sissy sluts why do you think it's called sverige and not götaland?

Do you legit take pride in that soulless piece of metal

Dö ditt äckel

>his Ålandic girlfriend
Only a few generations more and they will be 100% mongol


Attached: 1586346759667.jpg (1212x970, 388.3K)

>They made us their sissy sluts
Lmao have you ever met a person from Svealand and felt dominated?

Comfy old architecture, brings instant feelings of nostalgia.

Boring modern skyscraper, soulless metal and glass trash that could be from anywhere in the world

Do you catch my drift?

>Åland island inhabitants also conveniently forget English at an instant if a Finnish looking person tries to speak English to them.
I'm thinking based

The fvcking endless bondgårdar of Götaland. Soul

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whats the traditional capital of geatland?
its not gothenburg, since it was made in the 1600s.
cant be malmö because its in scania and thus danish

haha benis :DDD

It's that place where Västergötland and Östergötland connects on an island. Forgot the name. Some kang used to live there

Attached: bohuslan 1.jpg (1344x896, 1.25M)