His "country" doesnt have at least 3 local languages

>his "country" doesnt have at least 3 local languages

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>His country doesn't have atleast 31 languages.

>his "country" has more than 1 language

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is Aragonese a different language than Castilian?


Attached: Tree_map_of_languages_in_the_United_States.png (984x741, 31.41K)

>his country doesnt have his own sign language

Attached: libras.jpg (300x168, 13.65K)

>be proud of different languages within a country
>be aware that those people simply hate you and would stab you with a pleasure
souds nice Xavier

i guess so
its kinda like old castillian desu, but you could say the same about galician or asturian. Different old forms of ibero-romance isolated that lasted the test of time

Which part of Spain are you from?

>assuming every regional language speaker hates spain
>assuming even half or a third hate spain

Attached: 1280px-Spain_languages.svg.png (1280x905, 776.7K)

>Pennsylvania Dutch
>Tohono Odham
And approximately 140 more.

Attached: 1586565437364.png (1310x1200, 171.14K)

>his country has more than 0 official languages

If you talk to someone from madrid, can they understand galician?

they wouldnt understand some words, depends on how fast i talk, i guess it would be possible to understand most of the conversation if i spoke slowly

what is one word in galician that is different to castilian?

uhh theres many, although most are direct cognates
botar (its used in Spanish in some parts of latinamerica tho)

Attached: gz_flag.gif (128x103, 14.62K)

>one third
>not allowing for referendum
souds legit

>His country has less than 50 local languages

Does this dialect sound like Galician to you? Or what is it?


Dutch, Frisian, Limburgish, Dutch Low Saxon, English, Papiamento

>His country doesnt have at least 3 official ones

Attached: download (4) (1).jpg (258x196, 7.35K)

sounds like old village galician, let me guess, this is from near the northern frontier of portugal
its very pleasing to hear pure galician like this with heavy accent



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Attached: Languages_of_Finnish_municipalities_(2016).png (800x1392, 278.89K)

You're absolutely right. So basically you can't really make a strong border between Galician and Portugese? It's the same way with Scandinavian languages too.

I saw a lot of areas in your map coloured like Galician but further south along the border Do those areas speak some kind of Portuguese? Can you understand people from there?

>his country doesn’t have 119 languages
I pity you

>I pity you

thats olivença and some other part, i could probably understand some of it, but i really struggle when portuguese people speak fast
northern portuguese is easier since the accent is more similar to galician
example of DEEP galician accent: youtube.com/watch?v=9ONsyfqTkCQ

so smol

French Stronk !

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From what I know they all do.

4 languages but English is our one shared language
Too bad we're as bad in our English as we are in our Mother Tongues

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>my country used to have 3
>now only one
>I am in the minority native langauge

imagine unironically bragging about this

languagelet cope