Your honest thoughts on Minecraft?

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pretty fun with friends

I play it when I can.

Lonja childish and never tried it, I did play Roblox tho

boring game and the pixels give me a headache

I always get kinda depressed when playing it, I don't know why.

a decent game itll be interesting if it can maintain the quality of updates its started

in mid 20s, still play it occasionally cause it's pretty fun

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One of the best videogames ever made

lost its charm to me around 2016, but still look back on the good times with nostalgia

I'm 30 and I play it since alpha

A great game

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>not pick, shovel, torches, axe, then sword at the end
questioning that order tbqhwyf

I started a server with my friends over quarantine and they made little houses built into a mountain while i made a huge tower out the white stone so i could metaphorically look down on them from my ivory tower and now they now longer play it

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it can be relaxing and fun to build massive projects
i used to build stuff like giant castles and ships
i kind of miss those days
a lot of people said i should try and get into the build teams for servers
i helped a friend with a project once for a server spawn and got rewarded with VIP and my name on a sign
but that was ages ago

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Interesting game with endless oportunities. My greatest regret is that i never had premium account :(
>inb4 it was ruined by kids

I'm not a zoomer, so I've never played it.

>not going for sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, bucket, torches, dirt, building block and food at the end
why even bother with the game

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I binge play it from time to time, it’s one of those games I always come back to when I have nothing else to play

Really great game but I can't play it because i dont have any friends to play it with.

damn bro u have friends


Minecraft is for Swojak virgins, Terraria is for giga chads

i'm a buildlet

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a great way for me to build naval vessels

I went back to it semirecently
I liked mining more than building

it's lots of fun if you play with nice people :3

good shit


Fuck you normalfag.

>shovel far away from pickaxe
>bucket far away from pickaxe in case of lava
>torches far away from pickaxe
Appart from that it's alright.