Why don't you have a Turkish gf?

Why don't you have a Turkish gf?

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Because they don't wear hijab.
Also probably aren't virgins.

I don't make enough money for them and they'll probably cheat on me.

post more and i'll reconsider

no turks where I live

cünkü orosbu cocugu gibi tipim var

there isn't turkish girl in japan

they are trash

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because castizas are just better looking turks

based anne


Like her? Of course she’s very cute

I have a crush on this turkish girl

she looks exaxctly like this girl i know
same pale skin, nose, freckles and eyes

I would love to sex İlay.

ne düşünüyor türk kızler meksika çocuklar hakkında?

post gif of 2 turkish girls at market pls

now i do too...

i read a story about turkish guy and mexican girl on turkish forums.they met online,talked for weeks eventually guy visited her and her family. he also posted about plans of girl visiting him in turkey but i don't know the rest of the story.

cebinde oyroların oldukta sonra tipin önemli değil qnq

i did but she moved to study across the country, i started lifting hard since then and only homos show interest in me since her.

Me too. Well the homo part. Why do I attract so many homos?

I did. She was good but mental. Then bad and mental. She is married now.

they don't want me

Attached: why.jpg (239x211, 9.54K)

The true american dream

ya got any castiza women pics?

Shut the fuck up CHIs. Castizas don't exist. We're all brown down here.

What are the lewdest pics Ilay has taken? Anything in bikini?

I want.

I would. If they're no religion.

I don't date people who worship Asia.