Japan is literally 1/2 Chinese and 1/2 Korean. Why can't they get along with their ancestors?

Japan is literally 1/2 Chinese and 1/2 Korean. Why can't they get along with their ancestors?

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America is literally 100% white and yet hates Europe.

>literally 100% white
even your peak didn't reach 100%

I was looking at the 3D GEDmatch map of different ethnicities and Japan, China, and Korea are on top of each other.

>Japan is literally 1/2 Chinese and 1/2 Korean.

You wish, but IRL we are your conqueror and you are our subjects and rapebabies.

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New jap flag.
jap is colony of Korea and China.

They wanted to become the hegemonic rulers of Asia but they failed. Now they are an aging, declining middle power with a stagnant economy. They're grasping at straws pretending that they're going to be on top forever but deep down they know that they will inevitably become a satellite state of China. Japan will submit to the Great Unity soon enough.

>they will inevitably become a satellite state of China.

Ching chong qing pong ling dong dong? Sorry I don't understand an insect language. Speak human, you Unit-731 experimental deformed chink corona?

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Is this considered a war crime in your cunt? Looks like just a bunch of superior Japanese dudes having fun decapitating weaker chink insects.

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Hey stop it already, it's just a matter of time before 5 cent chink bots LARP as GIs, and spam "Muh Stronk Murica" to cope. lol



Okay Hideki, that's enough, I think it's time to get you back to your retirement home. If you play nice President Xi might let your country live on as a bingo parlor under protection of the PLA.

Attached: Japan_Age_Makeup_1920-2010_with_Projection_to_2060.png (1024x669, 62.59K)

I actually like based koreans, but fuck the chinese


>100% white
Press X to doubt

Piss off yank.

holy fuck japan bringing the heat

Reminder that this is an American military brat stationed in Yokosuka, paid to spread hate.

>based koreans
seriously in what way korea is based?
being a colony, vassal and/or puppet state of someone throughout existence is the exact opposite of something described as based.

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I never said the country was based, but I liked some of the people ive met, they were polite unlike the fucking chinese

What the fact that they jew was the only person to cheer them on didn't give that away?

people make the country.
besides, polite is not an attribute described as based either.

Our flag is older than those though.

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When was that the first time being said?

Real Han Chinese territory vs Qing dynasty territory

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No. Japan is 1/3 Ainu, 1/3 Chinese, and 1/3 Korean.

Holy based your right. I forgot about THE LAST OF THE JOMONS. Long live the bear tribe.

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They really are the mutts of Asia.

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