
The new thread edition

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bonjour amigos


would a /brit/ meetup look better or worse than this

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Would never go to one of these

yes since I’d be there

I need to stop wearing black jeans

as a british man, an english man born and bred, a lancashire man, i can say with confidence that if you are not born on this island you simply do not nor will you ever know

you will never understand

you can see it but cant feel it you will never understand it

you will always be a foreigner

Lmao British?

Lmao British

I am 1/64th Scottish so I am more british than you Muhammad

Hey Emmet, are there any refutations to "I think therefore I am" or is it completely sound?

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Yeah come on you little fucking shit brat cunt.
Try me. Fucking try me.

But you're northern therefore not human

reading houellebecq again
always find I return to his works in times of uncertainty

don't know who emmett is

I'm the real deal...and I'd break your fucking neck.

Emmet does not exist. He is a made up character that /brit/ pretends to talk to.


years they try tuh...
years ago they try to... put me in uh...
uhh this is live...

Everyone on /r/transpassing says they pass. Do you agree?

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nooo no I can't say that they do I'm afraid


Emmet is a fake, made up character that retards on /brit/ pretend to talk to for the sole purpose of confusing newfags.
It is not and will never be funny.

men from lancashire built this country

lancashire is the heart and soul of england im more english than you can even understand

this fact upsets you as a southerner so probably a foreigner you dont like that you will never know and this is not your land its mine

Women his age probably look pretty similar

english men made the world and everyone else just sat on the side lines watching it happen

by those two pictures alone, sure
if this creature walked up to me and started talking i'd know the truth instantly

Not a fan of Reddit's love for Dolly Parton.
They go on and on about how "beautiful" she is inside and out. She's an ugly plastic bitch.

scots made the world and the english came along for the ride and stole all of their achievements

She's sound though

i say one thing you the opposite

this isnt reddit this is brit

and frankly australians are as boring as trannies

I was born on this Island but culturally and genetically I’m Irish

He kind of passes. At first glance he looks like an aging roastie but you can tell there's something going on. Men can just never pass as women, not really. I've notice even at night if I see a figure walking in the middle distance, I can tell if it's a man or a woman. The difference in shape and carriage between men and women is just so obvious. The only way trannies will be able to win if we develop a way to grow human bodies and transplant brains into them.

mental neck genetics on the dude w the brown jacket

Lot of cope for a supposed proud northerner

To the Irish:

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One of dad's old friends hanged himself last night, only found out this morning when his 10yo daughter called the police. Life is grim lads.

yeah you're scum we know

>The only way trannies will be able to win if we develop a way to grow human bodies and transplant brains into them.
so this is how the elites will achieve transcendence and immortality


American men are stronger than British men. It's just a simple fact.

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Fucking hell, what a fucking coward.
Never will understand men who kill themselves especially if they've got a fucking family.

They just had to evacuate an ER wing because there was a bed fire because some fucking retard was smoking in their hospital bed

How fucking stupid do you have to be, christ I hate smokers, trashiest people on earth. Should fucking execute all of them

Who’s we? You’re alone, always have been, always will be. You don’t have any sense of community or loyalty and even a dog has that, and that’s a dumb animal. Feel sorry for you

am i wrong though nearly everytime you see an australian flag its either contradiction or reddit its boring it bores me the proud strong brave northern mind is not stimulated by such, such utter shite dribble, low level posting

>Fucking hell, what a fucking coward.
fuck up norman, back to facebook with you

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Well this one is true

spent most of today organising my images and creating folders within folders and then new folders and more folders and it's just an endless chaos

at least my bradley walsh images are easy to sort

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why the fuck do you care

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Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem or set of problems, always.

Same got a handful of them now

Favorite is “bear reaction images”

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shan't be replying to any Irish posters

southerners its wog loving leftism shit, never shut up about the imaginary sex act their imaginary boyfriend performed on them

yanks its cuck porn or trannies

northerners is intellectual, thought provoking posts

the irish its, i couldnt tell you to be fair

Why do I care that an entire ER wing had to be evacuated because of selfishness?

Kill yourself smoker
