Name ONE (1) horrible thing they've done in history.
Name ONE (1) horrible thing they've done in history
clubbing seals
Bald Eagle massacre of 1874
The ongoing genocide of First Nations people
can't do anything bad if you've never done anything in the first place
Can't think of any.
Our natives were put in resedntial schools up until 1996 where they were sexually molested by Catholic priests and abused. After that we put them on reserves with no running water and no electricity in parts of the country where it goes down to -40 in the winters
Becoming independent.
not letting themselves get annexed in 1812
Now that I think about it, why haven't we heard much bad stuff about their past? It's always US this, Russia that, China there.
Is Canada just forgettable ?
not finishing off quebec when we had the chance
OP said something horrible not based
>It's always US this, Russia that, China there.
Because we're just that more fucked up. And yes, Canada is forgettable.
residential schools
interment camps
mass deportation of acadians to Louisianan
Worst I can think of is clubbing seals. Native genocide and third world war crimes don't count because those are based.
The native children were forcefully enrolled and isolated from their parents
We treated first nations with incredible inhumanity.. sending adults to reeducation camps while taking their children in hostage in pedo abusing institutions. utterly fucked an otherwise harmless collection of hunter gatherers.
Any leaf who denies this needs the rake.
I won't apologise. Natives are absolute shitters today.
First nations are not being genocided. If that was the case one arrow rez would have been burnt to the ground honey.
Blame the Catholic church and the u.k m80
>needs the rake
I got you bro.
T. albertan living off of oilbux
I live on the east coast.
not giving me a visa
whats the closest reserve to you
they allowed Zhangs to colonize them. And they did it all for the sake of keeping the Canadian Boomer's real estate profitable.
T. Uni student
You didn't. The American war of Independance started and you were shit scared so you gave Quebec people back most of their rights.
ethnocide is semantically more fitting
seething because im gonna have a 6 figure salary and your gonna be stuck with having to suck on black flamey cum for the rest of your life