What is life like in rural Africa? Like towns with no electricity or roads?

What is life like in rural Africa? Like towns with no electricity or roads?

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They probably wake up, go to work, eat, fuck and go to sleep

damn literally me, except for the fuck part

wanna fuck

went to africa 3 times as a soldier, depends on what you call rural, some places will have no electricity at all and other will have very unstable electricity, roads are fucked, when they even exist, and the average IQ is rarely above 70, some womans unironically thought they could get a mixed baby by swallowing, for the few retards ready to get HIV just to burn coal

Which countries in africa?

are african women really this easy?

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it unironically looks comfy af. cleaner then most of big cities in US


>>/fr/ - Le fil

how are african women like

>Lived in a little town in the middle of nowhere for ten years.
>My grandparents live in the countryside and I've stayed with them for weeks on occasion.
>I've visited relatives in tiny underdeveloped towns.
AMA, quick cause I need to sleep.

How are things doing in Kenya now? Ive heard good things about your nation but ita still a pretty bif mystery. Have you ever been to the surounding countries? How do they compare? And ofcourse whats rural kenya like?


Do you have sex?

>How are things doing in Kenya now?
I guess we're pretty decent compared to other African countries but as always Kenyans don't know not to vote like retards and the current government is making me lose all hope for the near future desu. The corruption is insanely high and blatant and they're basically handing the country over to China bit by bit.
>Surounding countries?
I really got about 5 km or so into Uganda so I can't comment on that. Kigali,Rwanda was smaller and less developed than Nairobi but that's a good thing. Way cleaner, way safer, very neat, little pollution, way fewer people. People so nice, I thought I was getting conned everytime. Plus their government offices actually do their job.
Dar wasn't bad desu. Not as developed as Nairobi but definitely beats Mombasa. Decent skyline. Not as hectic either.
These are just my impressions but really mostly every statistic you can look up online would tell you Kenya is the """""most developed""""" country in EA.
I've been to SA and apart from fearing for my life all day, we've got a long way to go.
>Whats rural kenya like?
It's a huge country and every corner is unique and different. There are constants of course; most people farming and owning livestock, mud houses the more remote you get. Some of these places have neither running water not wells so people have to walk/drive kms just for water. Everyone knowing each other (seriously you could spend hours getting introduced to relatives). Pretty much no police (very safe tho) or govt presence apart from a small chief's office. Low proficiency in English (even Swahili in some places) and relatively low literacy among old people. Still a few places without electricity or phone reception. Lots of manual labor, even farm-work is done mostly using hand tools. Very religious, although a few people still believe in/fear witchcraft. Very conservative ofc. Little plumbing. Ever heard of pit latrines? Shitty roads.
Surprisingly comfy desu.

Have you ridden the high speed rail-line that China built as part of the Belt and Road?

How has chinese investment impacted your country?

fuck me mother nature is beautiful

dont sleep yet, tell me more about Kenya please

really makes you think who has it better...

When will you give yourself a nice rest?

Not since leaving Uni. Plus I'm scared of Corona now, I wouldn't even go for the white tourists and students hunting BBC on Tinder, if they didn't all go home.
No but my brother has. Says it's overrated (the media bamboozled us with fake luxury train photos baka) but at least it's better than the overnight bus trip he's used to. Great view too, it passes through the Savannah and wildlife parks.

Not like the government utilizing it anyway. The corruption and mismanagement scadals just keep hitting everytime there's a new deal. Other than the roads, and railway they've built, there's really not that much of an impact. Especially not on the economy. Plus everyone just sees it as China trying to colonize us and the politicians filling their pockets.
Any Kenyans there or is it just Somalis?

just Somalis sadly. I used to work with a somali guy and he is probably the kindest person i have ever worked with tho. How old are you and whats your favourite food and music?

Can you like walk into the local market an buy an AK?

Not the same frog. Depends on the country, but in a lot of West African countries women will sleep with white people for a few bucks or in the hope of getting you to marry her (with the hole family behind her). In a lit of African countries wealth is shared with the family so if you marry a local her family will suck you dry.

There are lots of stories of French people having trouble escaping from African families.

Examples for countries with easy girls include Madagascar, Djibouti (despite the local Islam), Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo and certainly a lot of others. Countries i know of where you should watch yourself if you're a walking penis include Niger, Morrocco, Mauritania, Egypt (needless to say) and certainly sone others .

Maybe the other user can comment on Chad and Mali.

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24, I listen to pretty much everything. A lot of hip hop and rnb though. A bit of oldies soul (thanks Kanye). I actually listen to Nigerian and South African stuff more than Kenyan.
Favorite food? I guess food from the coastal towns, Swahili cuisine? If you know about Indian and middle eastern food then you can guess what it's like. Biryani, Chapati, Kebabs, Shawarma shit like that. I love fish, both fresh and saltwater.
And fried chicken obviously, seeing as I'm black and all.
There are barely any guns here. Only hardcore criminals have them. Also people in remote areas protecting themselves from cattle rustlers but the govt took most of those. A few Somalis too obviously.
Here the police will recover a shitty homemade gun and proudly display it on the news. After killing every suspect on the site of course.

Would you consider people in rural Kenya happier, less stressed, and less anxious than those than live in urban areas (and the west, if you've visited)?

Like heaven on earth. Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment. Pure bliss.

based barackobamanon doing an AMA
im hoping one day to make friends in the african middle class

Are you religious? Are there out gay people in the cities?