
Rasheeds OUT edition

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is there anyone in brit that cant do an irish accent other than the yanks


Cracking edition

Jean is a shit name as well

he's gone paki nationalist? what's he been saying?

‘sheeds IN

190's brain is too fried to even attempt one

on second thought, might actually give him an advantage

thoughts on the name Monica?

/brit/ doesn't have tripfags and doesn't egg them on or feed them attention :)


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The last time we saw him in the /rus/ general was when he went across the border to go shopping in the States. He posted a few photos of him in some mall and dissapeared right after that.
I think he either got shot or detained in the yank labour camps. Thought I'd share that with you.

Aha x

This was around the time he went to some paki wedding. Basically everyone was really nice to him (obviously they would be, they're his family and don't know he's a tranner) and it made him realise that white's have always hated him and he'd never fit in (also obviously)
Since then he'd make the occasional anti-white post whenever he was around or not advertising his radio thing


the final blackpill

>new thread on page 3

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should've been page 1
/brit/ is slacking




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What's the winter party


mad yanks have actual labour camps

facts are racist

I bench press outside of the rack so that the fear of death motivates me to get that last rep in


shoulda stuck some rebel music in the back for the effect

i wanna get close to you

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Hundreds of homos fucking each other in public on the beach in Florida a while back

Imagine if you could stick all the pakis, gyppos and poles in labor camps

Seriously imagine it

not a doctor

sounds horrible

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This is my own private domicile and I will NOT be harassed...

Did you write the book of love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so?

t. Pole Gyppo McPaki

Problem with people doing Irish accents is that they all tend to seem like some type of leprechaun character for some reason

This virus seems to be disproportionally killing blacks and gays and also got me a free $1200 so frankly I’m writing it off as an amazing thing so far

sort of do yeah
I remember back then everyone called him lisicki

wonder why that is

>some type of leprechaun character
so, an irishman

Don’t take people seriously who I know shouldn’t be taken seriously and thats really all she wrote.

You don’t realize you sound like that? Hahahahahaha

I just remember the walking towards you meme.

listening to ben shapiro

leftists are the real racists

can you do a 4/5 minute vocaroo?
got a story to tell. lll do it tomorrow when the gf isnt home

*waves at you*

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listening to the amazing atheist

do you lot ever read american /brit/posts in an american accent, sounds weird as fuck

case in point voca.ro/8YnIXOvS5Ww

I unironically listen to Ben Shapiro's podcast almost every day. It's based.

I read every post here in an American accent

hello ben


Please do heroinyank would love to hear it


Hey, that looks like me.

I wish we had a right wing media here like in the US. It stops the cucks in the Republican party from being centrists.

he's got one of the most insufferable voices I've ever heard and I say that without exaggeration

he predicted batflu


Listening to the strokes

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Matt Walsh is my favourite presenter. Ben is a bit cucked on social issues.

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listening to oasis

Doing a nazi salute in solidarity.