1. Country

1. Country
2. What do/did you study?

Biochemistry (more chemistry than bio)

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So organic chemistry ?

1. USA
2. Molecular biology (more biology than molecules)



Aren't you the guy who brags about his tinder matches all the time?

chemical engineering but probably going to be unemployed since this shithole is doomed for eternity

I’m a lab aide now

1. USA
2. History
Graduating soon, I miss actual in person classes already

i didn't go further than junior highschool

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I went to History faculty and dropped out

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You will miss human interaction when you cant find a job

Well nobody is getting a job in the next two years other than STEMfags.
But I'm probably going to get an MBA for grads school since my parents will pay for it

>Studied Biomedical science at uni, doing a Master's in genetics now

Neuroscience + Anthropology
Minored in International Development and South Asian Languages and Cultures

Currently in graduate school. Will be poor forever, but at least I enjoy my life (or so I tell myself).

Can you make some pharma grade MDMA for me, bby?

>I got a useless degree and cant find a job
>time to take useless degree 2.0

Electronic engineering

Finaly an employed person

No degree is useless, some people are though

This is the only correct answer. The further you get from this, the more useless your degree is.

idk bro, history is useless. its a money grab for your university.

but your parents probably pay for it so you dont care to make rational decisions with others money

no, I don't use tinder
Organic chemistry is just the second-year classes in my program
Every math major was ridiculously smart in my school
yeah, i miss talking to people in real life, but we have like webex meetings from time to time
synthesis is not my specialty (extremely accident prone, my senior research project had to be computation based lol), but it is quite easy to get your hands on chemicals that are restricted (like acetyl anhydride) if you go to an institution

A funny story my professor told: her husband knew a guy that studied pharmaceuticals. He was so sure that he can handle amphetamines. He made some in the lab and took it right before the exam, and he finished it in 10 minutes! But in reality he wrote down his name hundreds of times and handed the exam in, without actually doing the questions

Attached: apu chemist.jpg (961x816, 239.4K)

I have two siblings who had two so called useless degrees and they both have decent jobs now

my friend is trying to get a comfy teaching job with this degree

Low IQ animals that couldn't enter a stem degree, should kill themselfs and spare their parents the shame of having a dumb child that will never get a job with his dumb non stem degree for dumb people


biology (neither more or less of anything)

Cartography/land surveying

T. unemployed doctor

Aerospace Engineering (more engineering than aerospace)

Applied mathematics