What is most common conspiracy theory from your country?

What is most common conspiracy theory from your country?
>Polin, Poland is secretly controlled by crypto jews that want to sell entire land away and rule as overlords
Every drunk uncle believes this

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Other urls found in this thread:


>israel is secretly controlled by leftie jews that want to sell entire land away to the arabs
Every drunk uncle believes this

We have a lot

>most common

Not gonna lie, the fact that right wing Jews think leftie Jews are part of a conspiracy is hilarious.


Fuck man idk
CIA killing Kennedy? Thats a big one
Area 51 coverup of aliens might be bigger

“Bush did 9/11”
“Epstein didn’t kill himself”

the moon landing was faked

Smolensk air disaster was an assassination

CIA bad

>Epstein didn’t kill himself
This one easily
Almost no one believes he killed himself


All left wing presidents of Latin America are working together to turn this region into a communist shit hole

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Bush did 9/11 isnt THAT prevalent really
Is Epstein didnt kill himself really a conspiracy when nobody believes he killed himself?

>french guyana included
ayo hol up

>Why yes, of course I believe chemtrails are real! Just look up in the sky bro!

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look up what a conspiracy is. it's not just a slur to shut down discussion.

Yeah but it’s considered a conspiracy if no one believes the official story through.

"URSAL is born with the greatest military capability in the world. If the USSR had the largest army in the world with 290 million inhabitants, we can make an even bigger and more powerful one with a population that is more than double! With this army, we will be able to free our black brothers from French Guiana still oppressed by French colonialism, expel English, French and Dutch colonialism from the Caribbean islands, kick the British from the Malvinas and even free our brothers from Puerto Rico!"

Other than meme answers, like anything involving ZGRUMPF or edgy comments about religion, it's probably 9/11. I've genuinely never met anyone who believes the official story even slightly.

That's not really a conspiracy theory, though. It's a proper political doctrine called 'Bolivarianism'.

so a factual conspiracy

That’s what a conspiracy is though? They are literally people conspiring to do that


its a fact

A "Conspiracy Theory" is a label applied to any theory positing an event occurred in a manner that differs from an Official State Narrative in a manner that would cause dissent if from the current State orthodoxy, in order to discredit anyone who advocates an alternative narrative. It's a "Conspiracy Theory" that JFK was shot by the mob, implying that the mob had no ties to his murder, even though there's evidence to support it. It's not that the State doesn't believe that to be true, but rather that they don't WANT people to believe it to be true.

Likewise, it's a conspiracy theory that 9/11 was more complicated than the Official Narrative, not because it wasn't (it objectively was), but rather because the State doesn't WANT people to believe that to be the case.

>Earth is 6000 years old
>Bush did 9/11
>climate change isn't real
>Russia got Donald Trump elected

Could be any of these.

Prove it

And what do they have in common? They are all true

when mandatory vaccinations become a real thing, you'll all forget you ever laughed at these people and goalpost shift

>lady di is dead
>the queen is a lizard
>thatcher was a lizard
>saville was a lizard
>blair was a lizard
>everyone on tele is a nonce
>all priests are nonces
>all muslims are nonces
>the queen is a nonce
>chem trails
>paul mccartney has been dead for years
but the biggest of all is centred around:

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Drunk uncles are generally a more reliable source than mainstream media anno 2020.

i stopped caring about conspiracies when i realised there's never any proof
i don't mind how outlandish it is,
but there's never any proof, it's always vague insinuation

>The cartels were created by the CIA
>Pena nieto was a fake president
>Carlos salinas still rules over Mexico
>Amlo zoofilico
>All presidents of recent times were CIA officials
Probably all true tbqh

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Russia ia a crypto colony of UK.

they’re all bred out of a lack of proof allows you to make wild leaps in logic it’s always doesn’t that seem strange or they’re hiding something never I have irrefutable physical evidence

>9/11. I've genuinely never met anyone who believes the official story even slightly.

this and of course the Las Vegas shooting
my opinion is that both were a mass blood harvest ritual by elite satanists

notice pic related "ROUTE 91 HARVEST festival powered by SIRIUS"
and now remember the strange story about the hero dog SIRIUS in the midst of the 9/11 happening
also consider Sirius' connection with satanism. And when the lamp falls in the Truman Show indicating he lives in a staged setting for the first time in the movie, SIRIUS is written on it.

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i can't imagine how much of an USA worshipping cuckold gusano would somebody have to be to oppose that

This. They explicitly call for a Patria Grande. It's probably the brazilianon who thinks he's not latino.

Sirius is also known as the dog star.

Attached: sirius hero dog.png (635x465, 279.14K)

The Federal Republic of Germany is not a real country but a private corporation founded by the allied powers after WW2. The German empire still exists as a legal entity and it's the sole legitimate one.

Analogous to the American sovereign citizen movement so-called 'Imperial Citizens' go around with dubious fantasy passports and ignore public authorities, likewise they are notorious for driving without a license as well. Every once in a while one of them snaps and attacks someone.


Also, new among younger generation: 5G towers cause radiation and government will use them to control us.