If you had to pick one, which country do you prefer more?
If you had to pick one, which country do you prefer more?
america because there are fewer poochinknadians here.
Mine, because we're superior in every conceivable way
the one where i dont have to pay 30% of my own money to
Canada. Not from any logical position, but merely because it's my home and I love it dearly.
My ancestors illegally migrated from Canada to the US
Except you aren't.
Except we are, demonstrably so
Hispanics are friendlier than the Chinese and they’re practically our Indians anyway so USA
LMAO we're literally a better democracy than the United States and we're a monarchy
Doesn't your PM have to lick the Queen's clit in order to be coordinated?
> we don't live in ancapistan
> Affordable health care
> No gun problem
> No private prisons
> No crazy incancration rate
> Sane polices
> Immigration that brings in primarly high skilled workers
> Our worst politicians are as good as your best ones
> actual workers rights
Should be an easy choice
coordinated to do what?
Canada is basically just Sweden with more chinese migrants
America cuz I can have an arsenal larger than most countries legally
>utter faggots
I meant to spell coronationated but im drunk
At least i can still criticize Israel without losing my job
you live in a land of memes to cope with your meme country. classic
As a dual citizen Canada is nice and thw US could learn a lot from Canada, but the cost of living is too high, there aren't as many job opportunities, and it's too cold for me, so I choose to live in the US.
If you're a winner at life like me (Phd, 1M in assets, 28y/o, bright career prospects, entrepreneurial) then USA easily.
If you're a loser at life like most people (debt, no degree dropped out or some meme degree, fat positive, no savings or investments, dick in one hand phone in the other) then Canada.
Your country is the one founded on a meme ideology
Not only will you lose your job but you will also get jail time
Only 2 years? Oh no
Do Americans really? They're really fucking gay.
I fucking hate canadians.
i hate canadians. they are filthy.
>Adolfo Martinez
Holy shit
> posting headlines of meme articles you didn't read from non reputable sources that aren't fact checked
This isn't 2016 that stuff isn't going to work now. Stick with the facts
IIRC this guy also had multiple other arson and vandalism charges hence the 15 years
Really grasping at straws to equate stealing and destroying private property with Canada's hate speech laws
America baby!
If you had ever had sex you wouldn't be posting here
We value private property here, sorry that the queen can just come to your house and choose servants to abduct.
>he thinks being a democracy is good
Anyways the reason we got downgraded was because of "voter turnout".
you're gay
>This isn't 2016 that stuff isn't going to work now. Stick with the facts
why are you all such fucking faggots?
>t-those aren't reputable sources
Literally everything you posted on this site would put you in jail
Yikes, is Canada okay?
cute girl, what's her name?